OPEN MINDS Announces The Launch Of Health Tech Navigator

Gettysburg, Pa, May 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OPEN MINDS announced the launch of its new technology product directory – Health Tech Navigator at website. The website is a single source of all technology products serving the health and human service market. The online directory is available at no charge to users, and listings are free for technology organizations with products in the field.

“Executives in the health and human service field are facing a growing problem. The need for a broader set of digital and tech-enabled tools is growing – and the number of new products available to fill those needs is growing as well. The challenge: How to find a list of products for a specific function serving a particular specialty in the field?”, said Monica E. Oss, OPEN MINDS chief executive officer. “Our team has spent the last year developing a solution to that problem—a one-stop searchable online health and human service tech product directory. We’re making it available to executives in the field at no charge.”

The Health Tech Navigator provides users with the ability to search for 46 types of products in five key functional categories – Data Management, Population Health Management, Customer Interaction, Administrative Cost Management, and Consumer Health & Human Services. The product functionality can be filtered by specific market functionality in 14 key domains:

  • Addiction Treatment Services
  • Adult Corrections
  • Autism & I/DD Services
  • Children & Family Services
  • Chronic Care Management
  • Juvenile Justice
  • LTSS
  • Mental Health Services,
  • Non-Hospital based Specialty Care
  • Payers-Health Plans-Care Managers
  • Primary Care
  • Residential & Hospital-Based Acute Care
  • Retail Clinics & Urgent Care
  • Social Services

The OPEN MINDS team is working with technology product vendors over the next month to confirm their product listings in the directory and an industry-wide launch is planned for July 1. The directory will continue to be updated on a regular basis as new products come to market.


OPEN MINDS is a national market intelligence and strategic advisory firm focused on the sectors of the health and human service field serving consumers with chronic conditions and complex support needs. Founded in 1987 and based in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the 175+ associates provide market insights and innovative management solutions designed to improve operational and strategic performance. Learn more at

