Report on insider's trade with FirstFarms A/S' shares

Report on insider’s trade with FirstFarms A/S’ shares

Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation art. 19 and according to power of attorney to report transactions on behalf of Wefri A/S, FirstFarms A/S shall hereby report transactions with FirstFarms A/S’ shares and associated securities by managerial staff and their related parties:

Name:Wefri A/S
Reason:Closely related to vice chairman
Asbjørn Børsting
Issuer:FirstFarms A/S
ISIN code:DK0060056166
Trading date:12+13 June 2019
Market:NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S
Market value in DKK:3,000,000.00

Best regards,
FirstFarms A/S

For further information:
Please visit our website or contact CEO Anders H. Nørgaard on telephone +45 75 86 87 87.

About FirstFarms:
FirstFarms is a Danish stock exchange listed company, which purchases and operates agriculture in Eastern Europe. We develop the individual farms to modern and sustainable businesses that deliver milk, meat and grains of the highest quality to the dinner tables all over the world.


Pièces jointes

(8) Insideres handel - Wefri (UK)