123 DIET Success Story: Camlyn Boys Successfully Reaches Her Weight Loss Goal of 22LBS In Only 5 Weeks.

The Australian Diet From “Down Under” Is the Revolutionary Weight Loss Program Without Exercise.

Boca Raton, Florida, July 24, 2019, July 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 32-year-old single mother from Brisbane, Australia, Camlyn Boys, reveals her weight loss success of 22LBS in just 5 weeks. Being a single mother of twin 4-year-old boys and a 15-month-old, she discusses how important it is to be a leader for her children and to be in top shape to keep up with them every day.

“As a single mum of three young boys being my healthiest keeps me balanced and feeling good as a mummy,” she said.

Camlyn is a nutritional coach and has been on the weight loss journey many times and needed an extra boost to get to her goal. After having her third son, Camlyn found it difficult to lose that extra weight after her pregnancy. She turned to 123 DIET and didn’t look back. Not only has she lost the weight, but she has been able to maintain it since she has reached her goal.

Camlyn mentions how she did not find 123 DIET to be difficult at all and recommends it to anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off. “Out of many programs I have been on and as a nutritional coach I have found this program to be amazing not only with results but also creating a healthy lifestyle which is key,” she said. 

“I have shared this program with many already. It is such an amazing program that also teaches a healthy lifestyle. As a nutritional coach I definitely recommend.”

About 123 DIET

Started in 2011 by Founder Emma Louise, the Australian diet from down under is now available in the United States. The 123 diet is a cutting-edge weight loss plan from Australia with a focus on maintaining results and empowering our community members. Start your journey today! All products come with clean-eating meal plans and 24/7 support. To learn more about 123 DIET or go to https://usa123diet.com/


Camlyn's 5 week transformation from 123 DIET.
