Media Accreditation and Pool Feed: Maclean’s/Citytv National Leaders Debate with Elizabeth May, Andrew Scheer, and Jagmeet Singh, September 12 in Toronto

TORONTO, Sept. 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Before Canadians go to the polls this fall, they need to hear from the Federal Party Leaders on the issues that matter most.  The Maclean’s/Citytv National Leaders Debate on Thursday, Sept. 12 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET is the first opportunity for voters to hear directly from major party leaders on key election issues.  Confirmed participants are Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada; Andrew Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada; and Jagmeet Singh, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada.

Moderated by Paul Wells, Senior Writer at Maclean’s, the Maclean’s/Citytv National Leaders Debate will take place at Citytv studios in Toronto.  The commercial-free debate will broadcast and stream on Citytv,, and Rogers Media news radio stations – NEWS 95.7 (Halifax), 1310 NEWS (Ottawa), 680 NEWS (Toronto), 570 NEWS (Kitchener), 660 NEWS (Calgary), and NEWS 1130 (Vancouver). Check station websites for broadcast and live stream details. Additionally, the debate will stream live on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  CPAC will also broadcast and live stream the debate in French and English, while OMNI Television will broadcast the debate nationally in Cantonese, and live stream online at in Cantonese, Mandarin and Punjabi. 

If you would like accreditation to the Maclean’s/Citytv National Leaders Debate, please RSVP by Tuesday, Sept. 10 to Charmaine Khan at or 416.277.0450

Here are the details for on-site media opportunities and pool feed availability for news purposes:

4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Media Check-In at Citytv studios, 33 Dundas Street East, Toronto M5B 1B8

  • Option #1 – Stand in media pits outside Citytv building to cover leader arrivals
  • Option #2 – Enter Citytv building and set up in media room. Will be able to watch the debate live on TV or live stream. Media room access closes at 7:30 p.m., with no in/out privileges until debate is finished
    • Media are required to present proper identification before accreditation for entry into outdoor media pits and Citytv building

6:40 p.m. to 6:55 p.m. – Leader Arrivals

8 p.m. to 10 p.m. – Maclean’s/Citytv National Leaders Debate

9:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. – Media Check-In for Leaders Scrum

  • NOTE: Media who are not already on site must check in and enter the building by 9:45 p.m. to cover scrum in studio 

10:05 p.m. – Leader Scrum in Citytv Studios


  • Debate will take place in a closed studio with no audience
  • Media room is available on site to watch the debate live on TV or live stream. Media are asked to bring their own devices and headphones
  • Light refreshments to be provided in media room
  • Studio access will be provided to a Canadian Press pool photographer with limited access to take photos during the debate
  • Plug-ins will be available for audio recording of debate in English and French in the media room
  • Plug-ins will be available for audio recording of scrum in English
  • Scrum with party leaders immediately following the debate.  **Wireless is not permitted in the studio, and there is no RF or live transmission use allowed in the Citytv building**
  • HD video feed of full debate and scrum (English) will be available only at Toronto TOC in stereo at no fee for news access only (3 minutes)

Media Contact:
Charmaine Khan, Citytv,, 416.277.0450