SII : Revenue up 10.2 percent in first half of fiscal 2019-2020

Paris, November 12, 2019 – 6 p.m.

Revenue up 10.2 percent in first half of fiscal 2019-2020

Growth of 7.1 percent in France
International business up 13.8 percent

Confirmation of objectives for the year

The SII engineering group has released its first-half revenue data for fiscal 2019-2020.

Management Board chairman Eric MATTEUCCI commented that: “The SII group has experienced growth again this quarter, after a very dynamic first quarter. Over the half year, this growth has been led by all the business lines and by the teams’ commitment. This performance is in line with our target for turnover, which is expected to be between €675 and €700M for the financial year, and our target of profitability.”

In €m
1st half (to September 30)
2018-2019 2019-2020 Change Organic
growth *
First quarter revenue 147.61 162.57 +10.1% +10.4%
Second quarter revenue 148.04 163.34 +10.3% +10.5%
Six-month revenue 295.65 325.91 +10.2% +10.4%
of which: France 157.98 169.20 +7.1% +7.1%
of which: International 137.67 156.71 +13.8% +14.2%

* excluding acquisitions and the effect of exchange rates (2018-2019 exchange rates applied to 2019-2020 revenue)

SII’s revenue for the first half of fiscal 2019-2020 totaled €325.9m, a 10.2-percent improvement from the first half of the previous year. Growth was solid in both French and foreign markets.

Activity in the second quarter (July through September) was up by 10.3 percent in comparison to the second quarter of the previous financial year, with a revenue of €83.7M in France (up 7.3 percent in comparison to 2018-2019) and €79.6M for the international operations (up 13.7 percent in comparison to 2018-2019).


A new half year of growth in France and for the international operations

In France, the SII Group posted half-year revenue of €169.2m, up 7.1 percent from the first six months of the previous year. The growth dynamic over these six months of the financial year was led by all the Group’s sectors, with a strong contribution from the main markets: Aeronautics-Spatial-Defence, Banking-Insurance, Telecoms-Media.

The SII Group’s international operations contributed €156.7m to the revenue for this half year, with double digit growth, of 13.8 percent (14.2 percent organic growth). The international operations accounted for 48.1 percent of the SII group’s revenue. The good performance reflected improvements in Poland (where sales were up 23 percent), which contributes most to international revenue, Canada (+34 percent), Chile (+77 percent), Colombia (+22 percent), Morocco (+63 percent), the Netherlands (+34 percent) and Romania (+17 percent). Business was stable in Spain, while it declined by 11 percent in Germany, 14 percent in Belgium and 9 percent in the Czech Republic.

Outlook for fiscal 2019-2020

Based on the first half’s results, the SII Group confirms its revenue objective of between €675 to 700M for the full 2019-2020 fiscal year (revenue up 7 to 11 percent), accompanied by an operational result with the same rate of increase.


Next financial announcement:

Fiscal 2019-2020 half-year financial results, Tuesday, December 10, 2019, after the close of trading



SII - Éric Matteucci -

Media relations: CM-CIC Market Solutions - Stéphanie Stahr -


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About SII

As a trusted technology partner, SII provides high value-added solutions for the IT projects of many large corporations. It relies on a staff of expert engineers and on methods at the cutting edge of quality standards to carry out its activities in:

  • - Technology Consulting (IT, electronics and telecommunications)
  • - Digital Services (IT technology and networks)

SII has opted for a corporate structure that offers the responsiveness and flexibility associated with local-level services, with nine regional offices in France and eighteen more in other countries on four continents, all of which have access to all of the Group’s operational resources and can provide effective services to major corporations’ international operations.

The SII Group posted revenue of €631.4m in fiscal 2018-2019, which ended March 31, an increase of 12.6 % percent (of which 13.1% in organic growth), and has been expanding its operations and its growth has outpaced that of other firms in its sector.

ATTACHMENT: Revenue by quarter

In €m

France 85.52 83.68 169.20
of which organic growth *
International operations 77.05 79.66 156.71
of which organic growth *
SII Group total 162.57 163.34 325.91
of which organic growth *

*:   excluding the impact of the year’s acquisitions and exchange-rate fluctuations (previous year’s exchange rates applied to
      current year’s revenue)




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