17th Guignolée Dr Julien fundraiser on Saturday, December 14, 2019

Together, let’s provide care and empower children for life.

The Fondation Dr Julien launches its 17th Guignolée fundraiser to benefit community social pediatrics— a unique model of integrated care that places each child and their family network at its heart.

MONTREAL, Dec. 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 17th Guignolée Dr Julien fundraiser will take place on Saturday, December 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This annual donation drive calls on the generosity of the whole community. The funds collected benefit the three community social pediatrics centres of expertise in Montreal supported by the Fondation Dr Julien, which provide local services and care to children in vulnerable situations. The Guignolée Dr Julien fundraiser will also take place in several other centres across the province.

Dr. Gilles Julien, Social Pediatrician and Founding President of the Fondation, explains: “The Guignolée is the fuel that keeps us going throughout the year! It allows us to support our teams, provide services and make people, young and old, more aware of the reality of vulnerable children and their families. The idea is to recreate a village, like a protective circle around each child, to ensure that all their needs are met, that their rights are respected and to guide them towards a positive life trajectory with their family. To succeed, we need the help of the entire community.” (Video: https://guignoleedrjulien.org/.) Indeed, the funds raised during the Guignolée represent more than a third of the money needed to provide care and services in the three centres of expertise in Montreal.

The three centres of expertise
Last year, the three centres provided care and support to more than 2,700 children and their families.

  • The Hochelaga community social pediatrics centre was the first centre to open and remains a key resource in its neighbourhood. It represents the birthplace of community social pediatrics in Quebec.
  • The Garage à musique, in the Maisonneuve district, is the first specialized social pediatrics centre to introduce powerful development tools based on neuroscientific knowledge, such as group music-making. Through its unique school access program, children struggling with learning difficulties can also receive support.
  • The Côte-des-Neiges centre has been working closely with recent immigrants for more than 15 years and has successfully adapted its approach and services to the cultural communities it serves. Its school access program helps children aged four to five years old to adjust to their new environment.

Centres across the province
The Fondation also supports a growing network of community social pediatrics centres, which it trains and certifies. To date, 40 centres are active in Quebec and serve a total of nearly 9,000 children and their families each year. Many of these centres will also be holding their own Guignolée fundraisers on Saturday, December 14. View the complete list: https://guignoleedrjulien.org/

Program for December 14
Festivities and guided tours of the centres are planned from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. View the full schedule for all three centres: https://guignoleedrjulien.org/en/events/

The Hochelaga centre, located at 1600 Rue Aylwin, is headquarters for the Guignolée fundraiser. Here you can meet Guignolée founder and ambassador Ève Christian as well as Christian Bégin, ambassador for the Fondation, and participate in numerous indoor and outdoor activities.

  • Starting at 7:00 a.m., the radio show Samedi et rien d’autre, hosted by Joël Le Bigot, will be broadcast live on ICI Radio-Canada Première until 11:00 a.m., for the 14th consecutive year. This will be followed by various activities, artist performances and a visit from the real Santa Claus!
  • At noon, Jean-Charles Lajoie will referee and commentate on his 10th street hockey game featuring children from the centre and various celebrities.
  • At 1:00 p.m., there will be a friendly match between neighbourhood children.

The Garage à musique, located at 2080 Rue Bennett, will be the scene of several live music performances led by youngsters. Tours, creative workshops, choral singing and other surprises await!

The Côte-des-Neiges centre, located at 3600 Avenue De Kent, will also open its doors from 10:00 a.m., with world music, face painting, street soccer, a children’s choir and a visit from Santa Claus on the program.

Many ways to donate

  • By phone - Dial toll-free 1 855 DRJULIEN (1 855 375-8543) supported by TELUS
  • By text - Text DRJULIEN to 20222 to donate $10 or $20 and Jean Coutu will match your donation, up to a total of $25,000
  • By mail - Send a cheque to the Fondation Dr Julien (4765 Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal, QC, H1V 1Z5) or to one of the centres in your community.
  • In person - Donate to the volunteers collecting on behalf of the Fondation on the Island of Montreal on Saturday, December 14, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or at one of the regional community social pediatrics centres.

Community social pediatrics
The community social pediatrics model is unusual in that it combines medicine, law and social sciences. The central role occupied by each child and their family network allows them to really participate in the decisions and action plans that affect them. Community social pediatrics is practised in constant interaction with the child’s environments, with a special focus on the child’s strengths as well as those of their family and community. The approach therefore relies on the commitment of everyone involved to the child’s wellbeing and development with respect to their fundamental rights.
To learn more: http://fondationdrjulien.org/en/community-social-pediatrics/services-for-children/a-unique-approach/

About the Fondation Dr Julien
The mission of the Fondation Dr Julien is to mobilize the community, to support and increase the number of front-line workers, to influence practices and to promote its unique community social pediatrics model. It works to ensure longevity so that the maximum number of vulnerable children can access care and services that respect their basic rights. It also trains, supports and certifies a network of community social pediatrics centres (CSPCs) and professionals in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada. Today, 40 CSPCs provide care to and empower some 9,000 children and their families in Quebec.

Requests for interviews before and during the Guignolée:
France Guay   Élise Bérard
Fondation Dr Julien   Fondation Dr Julien
(514) 513-6423   (514) 588-3794
fguay@pediatriesociale.org   eberard@pediatriesociale.org

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



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