Home Value Forecast: 2019 End-of-Year Review of the Residential Real Estate Market

Waltham, Massachusetts, Dec. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To conclude 2019 and kick off the next decade, we have compiled an end-of-year real estate market review in which we examine and rank some of the top metros across various real estate performance metrics. In addition, we have also completed the final Top 10 Hottest Metros ranking for the year.

For the final Home Value Forecast of the year, we examine trends over the past 12 months and list the Top 3 CBSAs in:

  • Highest Current Sales Price
  • Current Months of Remaining Inventory
  • 12 Month Sales Price Appreciation

Much to our delight, the top-performing metros in all of these categories are scattered across the United States, a potential indicator of a nationwide real estate market that is healthy and strong.

“The overall state of the country’s real estate markets appears to be trending in a positive direction,” said Tom O’Grady, CEO of Pro Teck Valuation Intelligence. “To have 57% of the markets we track gaining a “hot” or “strong” market condition rating, no markets being deemed “distressed” and only 4% “soft” are all indicators of a healthy real estate market that is poised to have a strong 2020.”

Click here to read the entire report, including data and graphs that further highlight market trends discussed in this release.

