Don Forman Nissan Successfully Overcomes The Bumpy Holiday Season

Las Vegas, Nevada, Dec. 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The definite seasonal trends in the US automotive industry tell us that the industry experiences peak demands during the spring and the fall seasons whereas the car dealerships regularly face a hard time of it once the holiday season kicks in and in its aftermath. Sales drop to the lowest during the months of December, January, and February. 

Both the cold weather and the holiday season contribute to this traditional drop in auto sales in the winter months. Commonly, it may seem somewhat puzzling that the auto sales will plummet during the holiday season when consumers are known to make the large expenditures otherwise. However, the fact is that those consumer spendings are made largely out of disposable income and precisely since it is the holiday season, the consumers prefer to spend their money elsewhere (travel, gifts, decorations, parties...).  

For car dealerships, however, this remains to be a perennial problem since end of year means they need to rush to meet the annual sales targets and quotas on the one hand; and on the other, they also need to move the running year's inventory to clear up space for new models from the next year. 

How did car dealerships in Las Vegas fare last holiday season?

Despite these somewhat crippling difficulties, most top Las Vegas car dealerships have reportedly done a good job of it during the last holiday season. Of course, revenues from sales still could not match those from the peak seasons but they were nonetheless better compared to previous holiday seasons. 

For the last few years, it has usually been a customary practice for auto dealerships to make various concerted efforts to best offset the drop in demand during the holiday seasons. These efforts include sending direct marketing emails to sales and service customers and offering them service coupons that they can use in the period of next 30 days; running a variety of 'holiday-themed' daily contests either on their website or directly on Facebook and other social media platforms (in fact, for the past couple of years, social media has played a significant part in boosting holiday season sales for auto dealerships); as well as using a variety of other innovative sales ideas (toy drive, 12 or 15-days of giving sales, going on overdrive with social ads and PPC) to make prospective customers pay visits to their premises. 

These sales techniques have become somewhat common in the last 2-3 years and gradually all dealerships across the nation are taking recourses to them to boost sales during the holiday season. The same was true for car dealerships in Vegas. It also helped that the holiday season was somewhat broader last year than it is this year. Last year, Thanksgiving had arrived on November 22 (compared to November 28 this year), so the dealerships had a somewhat larger window for running their holiday season deals and offers. Presumably, they are having a somewhat difficult time of it this year than it was last year.

Don Forman Nissan 

Don Forman Nissan, thanks to his many charitable endeavors, has already become a hugely popular figure both in Las Vegas as also in California (the site of his other dealerships). And all Don Forman Las Vegas fans will be delighted to hear that Don Forman Nissan, his dealership facility in Vegas, was the best to weather the stormy holiday season last year and was able to successfully stand out above its competition. 

And it is certainly won't be outlandish to speculate that his collaboration with the Fox5 Surprise Squad has also played its part in this success. The US television industry traditionally has a more than close relationship with the auto sector and year after year, their top source of ad revenues has been the ads from auto manufacturers. So, here again, we'll have to praise the business acumen of Don Forman Nissan as his liaison with Fox5, one of the top TV channels nationwide, seems to have paid rich dividends again.

