IMCD reports 11% EBITA growth in 2019

Rotterdam, The Netherlands (27 February 2020) - IMCD N.V. (“IMCD” or “Company”), a leading distributor of speciality chemicals and food ingredients, today announces its full year 2019 results.


  • Revenue growth of 13% to EUR 2,689.6 million (+12% on a constant currency basis)
  • Gross profit growth of 12% to EUR 599.3 million (+11% on a constant currency basis)
  • Operating EBITA increased by 11% to EUR 224.8 million (+10% on a constant currency basis)
  • Net result before amortisation and non-recurring items of EUR 156.2 million (2018: EUR 139.7 million)
  • Cash earnings per share increased by 13% to EUR 2.85 (2018: EUR 2.53)
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 0.90 in cash per share (2018: EUR 0.80)

Piet van der Slikke, CEO, commented: “Despite more challenging market conditions, the results of 2019 demonstrate consistent strong performance with exceptional cash generation. IMCD’s diversified business model showed itself resilient and we took important steps in the diligent execution of our long-term growth strategy. Through selective acquisitions we strengthened our global positions in pharmaceuticals, food and advanced materials, and we are excited about the recent addition of the attractive South Korean and Colombian markets to our geographical coverage. Entering the year of IMCD’s 25th anniversary in its present form, we feel proud of the success achieved and remain well positioned to deliver further growth to our business partners and stakeholders.’’

Please find attached the full press release.


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PRESS RELEASE_IMCD reports 11% EBITA growth in 2019