Pharmagest Interactive: HASHCODE GOOGLE 2020: Pharmagest teams ranked 1st in France and climbed to 59th place in the world

Villers-lès-Nancy, February 27, 2020 – 06:30 p.m (CET)



Pharmagest development teams
are ranked 1st in France
and climbed to 59th place in the world

  • 36 Dev Pharmagest employees took part in HashCode 2020, divided into 11 teams
  • Pharmagest's BeerProgramming Team ranks
    • 1st in France (out of 784 participating teams)
    • 59th in the world (out of 10,724 participating teams)
  • A new recognition: the best developers in France are working at Pharmagest


A global competition
Hash Code is a competition offered by Google to developers around the world. In teams of 2 to 4 people, participants must solve a real engineering problem provided by Google.

Compete against other developers around the world with the same topic at the same time
The challenge of this prestigious competition for Pharmagest teams was to emerge from this prestigious competition by finding, in just 4 hours, a solution that demonstrated their IT skills but also their creativity and the power of teamwork to solve problems.

The challenge proposed by Google this year was to get the best score by scanning different books that were distributed in different libraries in a limited number of days. Copies of the same book may be available in several libraries. A score was assigned to each book and points could only be obtained once per book.

The best French developers are at Pharmagest. : N°2 in the CodinGame 2019 classification
In its 2019 study "Where are the best developers working in France in 2019", published in Forbes France in January 2020, CodinGame ranks Pharmagest 2nd in the Top 10 French companies in terms of IT talent.

Damien MARINGER, Technical Director at Pharmagest, comments: "After the CodinGame ranking published at the end of 2019, the results of this worldwide competition confirm that we have, within the Group, talents that are among the best developers in France. We are very proud of the momentum that has been built around this Hash Code and the results achieved by our 11 teams. This kind of competition is an excellent way to compete with other developers around the world with the same subject at the same time. Teamwork and skill sharing have been the main ingredients of our success. This is a great privilege for Pharmagest Group. »
Jennifer THOMAS - tech Leader, at Pharmagest since 2016- , Mikaël FRECHE- architect, at Pharmagest since 2010, Guillaume BILLEY - Lead developer at, ex-architect at Pharmagest between 2014 and 2019, members of the BeerProgramming team, specify: "We are starting to get used to the exercise, this is our 4th HashCode, 3 of which together. One of the interests of the challenge is teamwork: on this point we know each other, we understand each other, and we complement each other perfectly. And the Hub was very stimulating this year, with a ranking that was uncertain right up to the end".

About Pharmagest Group
Pharmagest Group is the French pharmacy information technology leader, with a market share of more than 44% as a provider of software solutions for pharmacies, 28% for ALFs, 43% for HAD programmes and 20% for health care centres. Pharmagest Group has developed a range of specialized business lines: pharmacy IT, e-Health solutions, solutions for healthcare professionals, solutions for health and social care facilities (for ALFs, Home-Based Nursing Services, Hospital-at-Home programmes, senior care service centres, multi-professional and paramedical healthcare providers and hospitals), solutions for pharmaceutical laboratories, apps and connected health devices, a marketplace for vendor financing...
These businesses are grouped within four Divisions: Pharmacy - Europe Solutions; Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions; e-Health Solutions and Fintech.

Listed on Euronext Paris™ - Compartment B
Indices: CAC® SMALL et CAC®  All-Tradable by inclusion
The Group is included in the Gaïa-Index 2019 comprised of
socially responsible mid caps
Eligible for the Long-Only Deferred Settlement Service (SRD)
ISIN: FR 0012882389 – Reuters: PHA.PA – Bloomberg: - PMGI FP

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