Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) Sees Rapid Remote Learning Growth with Mediasite

In four weeks, faculty created nearly 3,000 lecture videos that students viewed 53,600 times

MADISON, Wis., April 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) in Cleveland, Ohio is a leader in online learning with Mediasite. So, when it had to shut its physical doors due to the pandemic, it was well-prepared to instantly convert to 100 percent remote course delivery. Since March 16, faculty already created nearly 3,000 lecture videos, and they are also re-purposing the more than 18,100 videos created with Mediasite over the past few years.     

“We’ve been engineering an online learning environment for four years now to create a more friendly and seamless way to offer virtual classes to students. With the college’s decision to switch to remote learning due to COVID-19, the structure was already there, the Mediasite technology was in place,” said Michelle Reed, Online Video Strategist, Tri-C Online Learning and Academic Technology.  

Tri-C uses a successful combination of on-demand videos with Mediasite with real-time video conferencing to create the most engaging environment for students. Faculty create supplemental lectures using the personal video capture software, My Mediasite, that students watch on their own time. They break into small groups in WebEx to discuss what they learned, and all course content is available in its Blackboard Learn LMS.  

The college has always been ahead of the curve with its faculty training program, with several training videos for faculty already created about how to leverage technology. In the midst of the crisis, it swiftly created more intensive virtual faculty training programs to ensure they are comfortable with teaching remotely. It even created videos for students about how to shift to learning from home and using Mediasite to create video assignments.  

To ensure faculty and students were equipped with technology and internet at home to telework and study, Tri-C teamed up with PCs for People, a nonprofit dedicated to getting computers and affordable internet service into the homes of low-income individuals and provide computers to students.  

“It’s just incredible to see our instructors embracing video technology to ensure that our classes can continue remotely. We’ve created many Mediasite tutorial videos that we ask they watch first, which helps reduce the amount of time we are troubleshooting over the phone and increases our ability to help more faculty each day. It’s an uncertain time in education, but if we all embrace technology and band together, we’ll get through it with minimal class disruptions,” Reed said.  

“Tri-C is a powerhouse user of Mediasite and it is inspiring to watch Michelle and her team completely flip teaching and learning without missing a beat,” said Michael Norregaard, CEO, Sonic Foundry, the maker of Mediasite. “The college is among those we’re seeing have the most success with virtual classes, because it understands a key piece of the puzzle – combining anytime, anywhere Mediasite lectures with collaborative small group discussions via video conferencing. Institutions can learn a great deal from Tri-C, and we’re honored to be partnering with them to help maintain teaching and learning.”  

Read more about Tri-C’s use of Mediasite here.

Learn how Mediasite’s professional services can help at and in this webinar, Optimize Your Coronavirus Plan with Mediasite.

Trusted by more than 1,700 colleges and universities, the patented Mediasite webcasting and video content management system quickly and cost-effectively automates the capture, management, delivery and search of live and on-demand videos for campus events, lecture capture and flipped learning.

About Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®)
Cuyahoga Community College opened in 1963 and is Ohio’s first, oldest and largest public community college. The College serves more than 55,000 credit and non-credit students annually at four campuses, numerous off-campus sites and online. Tri-C employs over 400 full-time faculty as well as almost 1400 adjunct faculty.

About Sonic Foundry®, Inc.

Sonic Foundry (OTC: SOFO) is the global leader for video capture, management and streaming solutions. Trusted by more than 5,200 educational institutions, corporations, health organizations and government entities in over 65 countries, its Mediasite Video Platform quickly and cost-effectively automates the capture, management, delivery and search of live and on-demand streaming videos. Learn more at and @mediasite.

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