U.S. Waterproofing Launches U.S. Remediation, A New Business Providing Disinfection and Decontamination Services to Metro-Chicago Businesses in Response to COVID-19

Founded by Chicagoland’s most-trusted basement waterproofing company, U.S. Remediation’s disinfection experts are certified and trained to effectively disinfect workspaces to ensure employee and customer safety as non-essential businesses reopen

CHICAGO, June 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leveraging its 60+ years of experience and expertise servicing and protecting the health and safety of more than 500,000 buildings across Chicagoland, U.S. Waterproofing, today announced the launch of a new commercial business in response to COVID-19. As non-essential businesses begin to open, the company launched U.S. Remediation, a professional disinfection company specializing in decontaminating offices, retail properties, warehouses, and other building and work-spaces in the greater-Chicago area. Click here to see which communities U.S. Remediation services.

“Our goal is to deliv­er peace-of-mind and help prepare Chicagoland businesses for the safe return of their employees and customers through com­pre­hen­sive dis­in­fec­tion and decon­t­a­m­i­na­tion solutions as non-essential businesses in metropolitan Chicago reopen,” said Matthew Stock, president of U.S. Waterproofing and founder of U.S. Remediation. “As an essential business owner during the COVID-19 pandemic, I learned first-hand how crit­i­cal it was to main­tain a clean and safe envi­ron­ment for our employ­ees, and the limited options available to me to safely and effectively disinfect our workspace.”

Using EPA-approved disinfectants that are safe and effective against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 and other types of pathogens, the company offers decontamination services for a variety of businesses, including office buildings, retail spaces, condo and apartment common areas, fitness centers, banks, warehouses and factories. U.S. Remediation provides three levels of disinfection, including preventative, deep cleaning, and reactive decontamination after a documented case of COVID-19.

“While a typical cleaning company helps maintain basic sanitary requirements, they are not commonly trained or equipped to eliminate the virus we’re facing today,” Stock went on to say. “Suc­cess­ful dis­in­fec­tion requires trained experts, prop­er equip­ment, the right prod­ucts, and unpar­al­leled atten­tion to detail—all of which we provide with U.S. Remediation. We know our customers will expect a higher level of cleaning services and U.S. Remediation is the best local option for effective decontamination services.”

U.S. Remediation’s disinfection protocol includes hand wiping, electrostatic and standard sprayers, Ultra Low Volume (ULV) foggers, and a variety of other solutions for a comprehensive treatment plan unique to each building. The materials used by U.S. Remediation kill 99.99% of all viruses, bacteria and pathogens, while simultaneously are environmentally friendly and entirely safe for human contact.

For more information about U.S. Remediation, or to get in contact with the business for a free consultation, visit https://www.usremediation.net/ or call 847-303-6692.

About U.S. Remediation
U.S. Reme­di­a­tion was found­ed with the mis­sion to help busi­ness­es and com­mu­ni­ties across Chicagoland over­come the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and help them achieve peace of mind in these uncer­tain times. The company is affil­i­at­ed with U.S. Water­proof­ing — the largest and the most trust­ed base­ment water­proof­ing and foun­da­tion repair com­pa­ny in Chicagoland and has decades of expe­ri­ence improv­ing the health and safe­ty of thou­sands of buildings. Our dis­in­fec­tion experts are cer­ti­fied and trained to effec­tive­ly dis­in­fect your work­space using EPA approved dis­in­fec­tants and pro­to­cols that will ensure safe­ty and min­i­mal disruption. As a fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed com­pa­ny, we have a stake in the health and safe­ty of com­mu­ni­ties through­out Chicagoland. For more information, visit https://www.usremediation.net/.

About U.S. Waterproofing
U.S. Waterproofing was founded in 1957 and is currently a 3rd generation family-owned business servicing the Chicagoland area as basement waterproofing and foundation repair experts. As the largest company of its industry in the Midwest, it aims to provide total peace of mind for its customers through education, comprehensive solutions and a wealth of expertise. In its 62-year tenure, U.S. Waterproofing has helped more than 500,000 Chicagoland property owners with wet basements and settling foundations. For more information, visit https://www.uswaterproofing.com/

Media Contact
Brittany Johnson
Uproar PR for U.S. Waterproofing
312-878-4575 x246