In Savvy New Book, Social Justice Activist Offers A New Take on the Effects of PC Culture

Author Corinna Fales brings thought-provoking insights to a divisive and misunderstood concept in 'This Book is NOT a Safe Space: The Unintended Harm of Political Correctness'

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., June 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The breathtaking changes to our worldwide reality wrought by COVID-19 and anti-racism protests add urgency to the incisive observations in “This Book is NOT a Safe Space: The Unintended Harm of Political Correctness”. In this captivating mix of memoir and social commentary, activist Corinna Fales taps into her experiences to explore the effects of politically correct (PC) culture. With candor, humor, and courage, she presents an intriguing take on the implicit and unintentionally destructive premise that underlies PC culture.


The daughter of parents whose families were killed by Nazis, Corinna’s lifelong commitment to diversity and inclusion led to multiple arrests for civil rights in the ’60s and to community organizing in Newark, NJ, where she was when the city exploded in 1967. This book showcases why a lifelong activist who promotes diversity and social justice believes that PC culture blocks inclusion, harms the people it is intended to protect, and undermines unity when we need it most.


Through gripping testimony and powerful conclusions, Fales alerts readers to an overlooked perspective on PC culture and suggests how we can come together despite our differences.


Reviewers have written: “Bold and important,” “stirs the soul,” “a wisdom book, told through stories,” “a courageous book written by a courageous woman,” “fun to read,” and “It'll make you look again at all the thoughts and actions that you're taking for granted as right and correct, in a straightforward yet gentle, caring and respectful way.”


Readers will find that “This Book is NOT A Safe Space” is a moving account that encourages the development of an inclusive and open-minded society.


“This Book is NOT A Safe Space: The Unintended Harm of Political Correctness”

By Corinna Fales

ISBN: 9781684716401 (softcover); 9781684716395 (electronic)

Available at the LULU Online Bookstore and Amazon


About the author

Corinna Fales is a professional writer and editor whose social activism led to this book. Her first book, Different: Our Universal Longing for Community, is an honest, interview-based conversation about race, class, and other differences between people. In 1983, she graduated from The State University of New York (SUNY) with a BS in Social Theory, Social Structure and Change; in 2000, she completed her MA in Social Policy, also at SUNY. She has held editorial positions at Columbia University, The City University of New York’s School of Professional Studies, nonprofits, public agencies, and non-governmental organizations; and has authored published articles on Alzheimer’s and more, as well as a field research report for the Library of Congress. In 2019, after fifty years in New York City—the last twenty-five of which were lived in Harlem, where she worked with kids in public housing to help give voice to their stories—Corinna moved to North Carolina. In 2020, she facilitated MLK Day for employees of Duke University’s Health System and continues to work to promote inclusion in the community. A still active #MeToo woman, she also maintains her freelance writing/editing business. Learn more at her website


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