Array Technologies’ Single-axis Trackers Shown to Have Over 7% Lower Lifetime Costs

Array Technologies asked RINA to perform a comparative technical analysis of PV Tracker architectures and associated lifetime costs

Albuquerque, NM, July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today Array Technologies, market leaders in single-axis solar tracking, and RINA, an independent global testing, inspection, certification, and engineering consultancy services firm, announced the availability of a comprehensive analysis and lifetime cost assessment of the two most common utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) single-axis tracker designs in the marketplace today.

Based on the independently developed cost modelling tool PVTrax, a case study details long-term tracker costs at a 100 MW sample project and location. The 100 MW sample project case study, assuming equivalent Tracker CAPEX, indicates that Array’s flagship tracker, DuraTrack® HZ v3 delivers:

  • NPV increases over 1.3 million dollars for asset owners using Array trackers
  • Lower LCOE over the plant’s lifetime with Array’s centralized architecture
  • Total lifetime OPEX is reduced by 42% by using the Array tracker vs. the modelled distributed row architecture
  • Higher energy output versus distributed tracker architecture
  • More than 7% lower tracker lifetime costs with Array trackers

The analysis provides solar developers as well as asset owners and renewable plant operators with real-world financial data to make more thoughtful project component selection and insight into how these initial choices surprisingly affect the total lifetime cost of ownership of a PV power plant.

“This research has created a methodology and tool to help weigh OPEX and CAPEX decisions and select the most suitable PV tracker technology.” said Jeff Krantz Chief Commercial Officer at Array Technologies, “As we have long suspected, for the products considered by the case study, Array is a clear frontrunner for long-term PV project returns.”

This multi-year research includes long-term estimates of how design-phase plant component choices affect uptime, risk, operations and maintenance, warranty considerations, and ultimately plant profitability over the 30 + year lifespan of a modern PV power plant. 

“Solar assets are now expected to run beyond 30 years. As the PV industry faces increased pressure from lower PPA contracts, stakeholders are increasing their focus on lifetime costs.” said Jose Luis Galo, Technical Lead, RINA’s solar business,This RINA research and modeling tool, PVTrax, directly helps developers, lenders, owners, and EPCs proactively address lifetime costs and component performance.”  

The free case study can be downloaded after registration at


