Dr. Michael Everest Makes A Difference By Funding Medical Education Initiatives

Los Angeles, California, Aug. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Michael Everest is a prominent figure in the medical profession who continues to provide a helping hand to local and international communities. His passion for increased access to quality medical education has led to many notable donations. Countless graduates from around the world benefited from the initiatives.

As the chairperson of the Edwin Everest Foundation, Dr. Michael Everest has provided much-needed funding to international graduates enrolled in the Department of Medicine. More recently, he availed $1 million to set up a fund for the foundation at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. The purpose of the fund is to enhance medical research for volunteer trainees involved in postdoctoral studies.

New trainees from various countries benefit from the generous gift that epitomizes Dr. Michael Everest’s deeds. In turn, the trainees find it easier to launch their research and diagnostic careers. 

Family Tradition

It is no surprise that supporting graduate medical education initiatives is a noble passion that runs in Everest's family. Michael's father, Edwin, was passionate about improving access to quality education for medical graduates from Asia and other parts of the world. He believed that the quality of education empowered graduates from developing countries.

In turn, the graduates can contribute to increased capacity in medical research. Hence, Agata Everest is focusing on bolstering international trainees' intake into leading medical schools in the United States. Agata is both the co-chairperson of The Everest Foundation and head of Residents Medical Group.

In an interview, Michael stated that continuing with his father's work is one way to keep the promise he made to Everest Sr. The prominent physician added that the matter was part of the last conversation he had before Edwin passed away. In many ways, his father\'s legacy lives on.

Everest senior passed away in October 2008; he had an illustrious career as a physician. It is no surprise that Michael followed in his father's footsteps and continues to fulfill Edwin\'s life mission through the Everest Foundation. 

Brighter Future

Dr. Michael Everest's deeds contribute to a brighter future for medical graduates who benefit from donations to institutions like the Keck School of Medicine of USC. The beneficiaries will become future leaders and innovators in the medical field. Agata Everest believes that exposing international graduates to advanced medical research facilities and equipment enables them to enhance their home countries' research.

The Everest Foundation provides a stepping stone towards realizing that their dream plays an integral role in providing solutions to global health issues. Graduate medical education exposes trainees to both mental and physical health topics. Innovative solutions formulated through training and research benefits the entire world.

Michael Everest explained that enhancing graduates' ability to change people's lives was his father's overriding objective. He added that physicians need a combination of clinical and academic skills. 

This mix enables them to play a meaningful role in transforming the medical field. Patients benefit through improved healthcare standards.

Michael emphasized the need to assist graduates while they are still young. This approach helps drive a paradigm shift when it comes to the treatment of diseases. 


Based in Los Angeles, the Everest Foundation works closely with residency programs, medical schools, research programs, and other foundations. The nonprofit entity has demonstrated a commitment to empowering young medical graduates. By partnering with the Department of Medicine, the foundation helps provide state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment.

Universities and other stakeholders also ensure that graduates benefit from outstanding research experiences. These initiatives form part of unique training programs that yield positive results for both educational institutions and graduates. 

