Everest Foundation’s Dr. Michael Everest And Danny Trejo Working Tirelessly To Aid US Veterans And The Other Less Fortunate

Los Angeles, California, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Last month, on September 24th, actor Danny Trejo and Dr. Michael Everest from Everest Foundation teamed up to host yet another outreach program in LA---this time to help homeless US vets living in the VA Greater LA campus. 

By now, the 'Bibles and Tacos' program initiated by Dr. Michael Everest and Danny Trejo has already become a known phenomenon in the city of LA and countless individuals, belonging mostly to the underprivileged sections of the society, have benefitted from this singular initiative. 

More than 1,000 meals were prepared which were then distributed to hundreds of homeless vets living in straitened circumstances. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the woes of these homeless veterans since most of whatever little income opportunities they had appeared to be closed off due to the unforeseen circumstances heralded by the pandemic. 

When asked about this recent initiative, Trejo gave voice to similar sentiments. The famous actor and the successful restaurateur observed that one needs to be caring and giving now more than ever. He commented that we are right now living in a state of emergency all over the world and this he feels has contributed to some degree to bring us all a lot closer to each other than ever before. 

He went on to comment, albeit in a somewhat dramatic vein, that we all are as if onboard "the Titanic right now" with everybody searching "for a good seat". And as such, we simply ought to help each other to best offset all the negative impacts and unfortunate circumstances caused by the pandemic. 

Speaking specifically about the veterans, Trejo remarked that the US Vets have sacrificed a lot for the country. Many have lost their lives during war, others have come back but with their arms and limbs lost and with various other physical and mental traumas. As such, it is only expected that responsible citizens will come forward to help these unfortunate individuals during these trying circumstances. 

As for Dr. Everest, he stated that this event is not a one-off venture, rather it just spells the beginning of a long commitment to helping homeless veterans all across the US. That he is as good as his words is already known from the fact the Everest Foundation, managed by Dr. Agata Everest and Dr. Michael Everest, has already donated a significant sum to the New York Bronx Veteran Administration to fund what has been dubbed the "Exoskeleton Program." This initiative is founded to aid research that will help US Vets with spinal cord injuries and will ideally be able to completely cure them so that they can walk again without any hindrance. The Foundation is also looking for ways to extend this program to many other research-based VA facilities all across America. 

In this connection, we may also mention that it was originally Dr. Michael Everest's idea to include distributions of the Bible during their outreach programs. A devout person himself, it was Dr. Everest's belief that the distribution of the Holy Scripture will complement the mental and spiritual hunger of the needy and will help lift their spirits in these difficult times and will help them stay in a positive frame of mind. 

Finally, we must mention that the event was made possible with the generous assistance from the Westside VA, a well-equipped facility that provides a wide range of health care routines and services to the aging veterans. Both Trejo and Dr. Michael Everest expressed their gratitude to the facility administrator for its help in facilitating the event. As a token of gratitude, Dr. Everest has made commitments to enlarge medical residency research and training at the facility.

