Heart and Stroke continues to campaign for Big Tobacco

Hamilton, ON, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) is disturbed by the conduct of Heart and Stroke. Their continued anti-vaping campaigns have made it clear to the public that the organization has lost its way. While Heart and Stroke’s mission is to advocate, educate and fund research, it appears that they instead have taken to advocating based on misrepresented data and falsehoods. Their recent campaign to ban flavours will have deadly consequences for smokers seeking a less harmful alternative. As a result of their poor policy recommendations, public health will suffer while tobacco companies benefit from increased sales.

Heart and Stroke is not alone in spreading fear without any science or data to support their claims, but as a trusted health authority their actions are reprehensible. The science has shown time and again that vaping poses little to no short-term health consequences and drastically reduces smoker’s harm. Multiple studies have concluded that flavours are the key driver for adult adoption and cessation success. Global data also paints a clear picture that flavour bans have the unintended consequence of increasing tobacco use rates and sales.

Recent polling from Abacus Data found that after Nova Scotia’s flavour ban 29% of vapers were at risk for returning to smoking, with the Atlantic Convenience Store Association stating they are already seeing the effects of the ban with a sudden notable increase in cigarette sales.

“In the past several months alone, there has been a flood of credible research supporting vaping as an effective harm reduction tool. We would expect a health organization such as Heart and Stroke to make policy recommendations based on the science which has been clear that vaping is Canada’s best chance at reducing harm and smoking rates faster than previously thought possible. Unfortunately, they have instead chose to promote unfounded fear and disregard the evidence. It is important that people understand that the vaping industry was created by smokers as a way to reduce their harm after other methods failed. The Canadian Vaping Association has always condemned the use of vapes by youth and non-smokers and has worked with multiple governments to implements policies to protect youth,” said Darryl Tempest, Executive Director of the CVA.

It is well documented that 1 in 2 smokers will die of smoking related illness and smoking is the leading cause of heart disease. By refusing to support the science, Heart and Stroke’s policy recommendations will cause Canada to lose its only age-restricted retailers, ensure only Big Tobacco owned high nicotine products remain available, and ensure combustible tobacco sales for years to come. Tobacco companies have found a partner in Heart and Stroke.


