Quadient Statement

Quadient Statement

Paris, November 24, 2020

Following press reports issued on November 23, 2020, Quadient indicates that it has no current intention to divest its Customer Experience Management business.

Quadient does receive from time to time unsolicited interests for parts of its business, which we carefully review. It is our policy not to comment publicly on any such unsolicited expressions of interest.

Quadient remains fully committed to maximizing shareholder value and continues to execute its ongoing strategy. Customer Experience Management is the backbone of Quadient’s global software franchise and a key component of its strategy.


Laurent Sfaxi
+33 (0)1 45 36 61 39


 OPRG Financial
Fabrice Baron
+33 (0)1 53 32 61 27



Pièces jointes

Company Statement_Nov24_EN