Jamari Best: 20-Year-Old Investor Launches His Financial Literacy Program On Forex Trading

Atlanta, US, Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The general reaction that a common everyday person has when they first hear about any idea related to making money online is to question the validity of it.

They are half intimidated, half skeptical, and half fidgety with the entire idea that earning money could be easier than we give it credit for. However, in recent years a noticeable change in the otherwise traditional behavior was noticed. More and more youths are getting interested in and attempting to teach themselves about trading. And we at Fame Ninja discovered that, One of those people is Jamari Best, a 20-year-old from Atlanta, Georgia in the United States of America.

About Jamari Best:

Just a year ago, Jamari was a freshman in college and did not know what he wanted to do with his college major. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, a few of his friends inspired him to start day trading. Most people would have been skeptical about trading but Jamari remembered how the education system failed to accommodate him by failing to teach him what he wanted to learn. Jamari jumped into the day trading world headfirst. He devoted himself to learning as much as he can about forex trading from the best investors around the world.

After two and a half months of trading, Jamari enhanced his trading skills to such a level that he realized that he wanted to help other people learn how to trade. So he went ahead and created a crash course to learn Forex trading.

Jamari shared his story with many: “Last year around this time I was sleeping on my friend's couch trying to figure out life. I played football in high school and continued to play in college but I knew I wanted to change. I was tired of living by society's standards and living for everyone else. A good friend of mine ran the idea of forex to me one day, and I was very interested but my mindset was not all the way there. I went to a meeting one day and never got back to him. 2020 woke me up in many ways. I lost my twin brother and my mom the first month of the year, a week apart. At this moment I knew I had to grow up and make a change. I started to look into the foreign exchange market, study charts, and practice on my demo account until I was ready to go on a live account. Once I felt ready I took my last $5,000, and put it into my broker, and was able to make over $100k in the last 6 months of my trading.”

Two main things that Jamari highlights that matters, when anyone is concerned with investing, is trading psychology and risk management. With trading psychology, Jamari teaches his students how to keep everyday life from affecting trading and coping with losses. He teaches his students how to cope with trading losses to avoid revenge trading. With risk management, Jamari teaches his students how to avoid risking capital so people will not try to follow the “get rich quick” scheme.

Aside from day trading and coaching other traders, Jamari runs a family pressure washing business. Jamari owes his confidence and a changed mindset for his success with trading. He wants to help thousands of people live a peaceful and stress-free life.

Jamari’s long term goal is to change many people’s lives financially so they can have more freedom to do the things they love. He also wants to inspire more younger people to start day trading and learn financial literacy.

One can learn more about Jamari Best's course on this link.

Media Details
Company: Fame Ninja
Company Email: info@fameninja.com
Website: https://fameninja.com 
