Worldwide Paper Tissues Industry (2020 to 2025) - Featuring SCA, Hengan International and 3M Among Others

Dublin, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "The Global Paper Tissues Market and the Impact of COVID-19 in the Medium Term" report has been added to's offering.

This report presents a strategic analysis of the global paper tissues market and a forecast for its development in the medium term, taking into account the impact of COVID-19 on it. It provides a comprehensive overview of the market volume and value, dynamics, segmentation, characteristics, main players, prices, international trade, trends and insights, growth and demand drivers, challenges, etc. This is the most detailed (COVID-19 updated) and comprehensive report about the global paper tissues market, covering all global regions and 151 single countries. The report presents information on each indicator for each of the 151 countries covered, offering unmatched value, accuracy and expert insights.

The purpose of the report is to describe the state of the global paper tissues market and to present real and expert-verified information about the volumes, values, dynamics, segmentation and characteristics of consumption, prices, imports, and exports. The report also presents a forecast for the market development in the medium term and the impact COVID-19 has and will have on it. In addition, the report presents an elaborate analysis of the main market participants, industry trends and insights, growth and demand drivers and challenges and all other factors, influencing the market development.

Questions This Report Answers

  • Market volume, value and dynamics for the last five years
  • Market segmentation (by region and each covered country; by product groups, etc.) for the last five years
  • Analysis of the factors, influencing the market development (market trends and insights, drivers and challenges) and the impact COVID-19 has and will have on the market in both the short and the medium term
  • Value chain analysis and structure of price formation
  • Analysis of retail price levels and their dynamics for the last five years (broken down by region and each covered country)
  • Analysis of the major international trade flows
  • Volume, value, dynamics, segmentation (by region and each covered country) and analysis of imports for the last five years
  • Volume, value, dynamics, segmentation (by region and each covered country) and analysis of exports for the last five years
  • Volume and dynamics of the average import and export prices for the last five years (broken down by region and each covered country)
  • Volume, value, dynamics, segmentation and analysis of per capita consumption for the last five years (broken down by region and each covered country)
  • Forecast for market development in the medium term (volume, value and segmentation by region and each covered country)
  • Characteristics of the main players on the market
  • Analysis of the competitive landscape
  • Five Forces analysis
  • Analysis and forecast for the global economy and demographics.

This research report has been prepared using the the publisher's methodology, including a blend of qualitative and quantitative data. The information comes from official sources and insights from market experts (representatives of the main market participants), gathered by semi-structured interviews. For this particular report, more than 50 market expert interviews have been conducted with experts from the leading market companies (producers, distributors, retailers, suppliers, etc.). The full list of interviewed experts and a detailed methodology are available upon request.

This is the most valuable, detailed (COVID-19 updated) and comprehensive report about the global paper tissues market currently available, covering all global regions and 151 single countries! The publisher also offers similar reports, covering every global country and region separately and offer special terms for bundle purchases. So, if you are interested in the global paper tissues market, this research report will provide you with reliable, expert-verified and real market data you can safely and confidently base your decisions on. In a quick and hassle-free way, it will provide you with a strategic analysis of the market, its recent and future development. In addition, this solution will save you time and money while presenting you all the necessary information, empowering you to make informed commercial decisions and move your business forward!

This report is the most in-depth publicly available business analysis that exists on this particular market. The report will be dispatched in up to 5 working days after order confirmation.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Product Description

5. State of the Global Demographics and Economy
5.1. Characteristics of the Global Demographics in 2015-2019
5.2. Characteristics of the Global Economy in 2015-2019
5.3. Forecast for the Development of the Global Economy in the Short Term

6. Overview, Segmentation and Analysis of the Global Paper Tissues Market
6.1. Volume, Value and Dynamics of the Global Paper Tissues Market in 2015-2019
6.2. Segmentation of the Global Paper Tissues Market in 2015-2019 by Main Regions
6.3. Segmentation of the Global Paper Tissues Market in 2015-2019 by Countries
6.4. Trends and Insights of the Global Paper Tissues Market
6.5. Profiles of the Main Players on the Global Paper Tissues Market
6.6. Five Forces Analysis
6.7. Competitive Landscape on the Global Paper Tissues Market
6.8. Drivers and Challenges That Will Affect the Future Development of the Global Paper Tissues Market

7. Characteristics and Analysis of the Global Prices of Paper Tissues in 2015-2019
7.1. Value Chain Analysis
7.2. Structure of Price Formation
7.3. Segmentation of the Average Retail Prices of Paper Tissues Globally in 2015-2019 by Main Regions
7.4. Segmentation of the Average Retail Prices of Paper Tissues Globally in 2015-2019 by Countries

8. Global Foreign Trade Operations of Paper Tissues
8.1. Global Foreign Trade Operations of Paper Tissues in 2015-2019

9. Overview, Segmentation and Analysis of the Global Imports of Paper Tissues
9.1. Volume, Value and Dynamics of the Global Imports of Paper Tissues in 2015-2019
9.2. Segmentation of the Global Imports of Paper Tissues by Importing Regions in 2015-2019
9.3. Segmentation of the Global Imports of Paper Tissues by Importing Countries in 2015-2019
9.4. Segmentation of the Average Import Prices of Paper Tissues by Importing Countries in 2015-2019

10. Overview, Segmentation and Analysis of the Global Exports of Paper Tissues
10.1. Volume, Value and Dynamics of the Global Exports of Paper Tissues in 2015-2019
10.2. Segmentation of the Global Exports of Paper Tissues by Exporting Regions in 2015-2019
10.3. Segmentation of the Global Exports of Paper Tissues by Exporting Countries in 2015-2019
10.4. Segmentation of the Average Export Prices of Paper Tissues by Exporting Countries in 2015-2019

11. Characteristics and Segmentation of the Global Consumption of Paper Tissues per Capita
11.1. Segmentation of the Global Paper Tissues Consumption per Capita by Main Regions in 2015-2019
11.2. Segmentation of the Global Paper Tissues Consumption per Capita by Countries in 2015-2019

12. Forecast for Development of the Global Paper Tissues Market in 2020-2025
12.1. Forecast for Development of the Global Paper Tissues Market in 2020-2025 in Three Possible Scenarios
12.2. Forecast for Development of the Global Paper Tissues Market, Broken down by Main Regions in 2020-2025
12.3. Forecast for Development of the Global Paper Tissues Market, Broken down by Countries in 2020-2025

Companies Mentioned

  • Kimberly-Clark
  • SCA
  • Georgia-Pacific
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Hengan International
  • Vinda
  • WEPA
  • Metsa Group
  • Kruger
  • C & S
  • 3M
  • SC Johnson
  • Unilever
  • Beiersdorf
  • Johnson & Johnson

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