The 10 Manifestation Coaches to Watch in 2021

New York, New York, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Manifestation has certainly become a much talked about topic over the past few years, with many people seeking to learn and implement the law of attraction into their own lives. Essentially manifestation is the act of bringing something tangible into your life through attracting what you believe - i.e, what you think, you will become. There is a lot that is misunderstood, however, about the law of attraction - which is why according to Boost Media Agency, in order to be able to properly manifest things into your life, you need a coach. Each with their own unique skill set and style of coaching, here we present the 10 manifestation coaches to watch in 2021.  

Kristen Jenna (@pursuitofbliss_)

Kristen Jenna has had an abundant career as a manifestation expert. She helps others release their blocks around self-worth and money, and teaches her clients how to use manifestation to design their dream lives. Just three years ago, Kristen was at a low point in her life, but she decided to follow her intuition and dedicated herself to doing whatever it took to manifest the life she thought she truly deserved. 

This is how she unlocked the power of manifestation for herself and it’s why she feels compelled to help others do the same. Kristen went from hitting rock bottom and living a life full of doubt, anxiety and uncertainty, to becoming a CEO who’s in charge of her own destiny. In 2019, she founded Pursuit of Bliss, an online manifestation academy that helps many people tap into their power and manifest blissful, abundant lives. 

Her 6-figure business has allowed her to live her purpose and finally let go of all the chains that were keeping her down. Now, she helps people do the same. Thousands of people have learned to manifest love, abundance, freedom, and purpose with the help of Kristen through her academy, her podcast, and her YouTube channel. In less than a year she has reached so many people and given them the key to unlocking the life they dream of and once thought they couldn’t reach.

Xandrine (@iamxandrine)

Xandrine found her passion as a coach, speaker, and energy healer. She’s the founder of The Magnetic Manifestor, an online coaching program made for ambitious women who want to turn self-doubt into unstoppable confidence to manifest their deepest desires. Xandrine is also a Yoga teacher with over 1,000 hours of formal training and an expert in Manifestation and Self Love. 

Through her services, she helps women overcome their insecurities and find their confidence once more. She also guides them to awaken the feminine magnetism they have deep inside, all through ancient and sacred sexuality practices. Xandrine is no stranger to the struggles of life. She was a struggling single mom transitioning from another career until she built her online coaching business. She’s proud not only of what she has accomplished but also of what she’s been able to do for other women. 

Xandrine has made it her mission to promote healing and inspire other women to achieve the life of their dreams. She teaches manifestation from a different angle; she helps women cultivate their feminine radiance & worthiness through deep healing around limiting beliefs and teaching sacred sexuality practices rooted in Tantra & Taoism. Her methods have proven to be highly successful at helping women awaken their magnetism so that they can live a life of flow and ease. 

Melanie Verstraete (@manifestwith_melanie )

Melanie Verstraete is a successful manifestation coach whose passion in life is to help people live their best life. Her coaching focuses on an inside-out approach that allows her clients to become magnets to attract the life they desire through manifestation. Melanie has created her approach to mindset and manifestation coaching using proven scientific methodology to create a roadmap to success using manifestation as a vehicle to get there. 

She suffered for most of her life, so she always wanted more and she was determined to find the success she longed for. Through her search, she learned that she deserved more than what she had. She didn’t want a miserable, unfulfilled life; she wanted to regain control of her destiny and change her path completely. That’s exactly what she did. 

Melanie is convinced we are not put on this beautiful earth to suffer or be unhappy. We’re put here to have an amazing life and achieve all the things we dream of. Through her suffering, she discovered the methods that she uses today to help other people find their passion and purpose, just as she did. She believes we are responsible for our lives and she wants to give people the confidence to transform themselves and their lives through her coaching.

Marissa Moon (@marissaamoon)

From disconnected and lost in the 9-5 life to quitting her job and manifesting her dreams in Bali, Marissa Moon is proof of what she teaches. With a natural ability to read people and energy, she began offering energy readings in Bali and it wasn’t long before word of mouth spread and she was attracting clients from across the world. It was then that she decided to start her business and teach manifestation.

Within 5 months of founding Marissa Moon, she had reached her goal of making more money than any of her previous corporate jobs. Marissa not only understands how energy works but has also studied the mind from one of the world’s leading hypnotherapists. Her services are unique as she doesn’t solely focus on manifestation – she teaches energy, vibration and the application of neuroscience to create new beliefs within her clients.

“My clients aren’t just blindly using manifestation techniques hoping it'll work. They learn how to identify the vibration they are tapped into and use proven mind-hacking tools to align their beliefs with their desires” Marissa explains.

Within her first year she has expanded from 1 on 1 services to mentorships, online courses, live events and has partnered with multi-million dollar brands. Marissa Moon believes that no matter the physical conditions-- anyone can shift their beliefs to manifest their dreams.

Rachel Gibler (@rachelgibler)

Rachel Gibler has made a name for herself as a mindset expert, entrepreneur, and manifestation coach based in Houston, TX. Just three years ago, Rachel was working a soul-sucking job in corporate America when she was involved in a freak accident. While in recovery, she had an epiphany that changed her life. She realized she was living her life to meet others expectations, and was left completely empty and unfulfilled. Laying in bed, determined to change, she entered a simple Google search “how to be happy.” This quickly turned into three businesses, an online brand, and an insatiable passion for self development. 

Giving up the title of corporate executive, she is now a multiple franchise owner of The Lash Lounge, an eyelash extension salon in Houston, TX where she owns two locations. Through documenting her entrepreneurial journey online, she quickly garnered attention for sharing the mindset principles that enabled her to make this massive shift. This turned into her third business— a life and business coaching platform that utilizes the principles of mindset, energetics, and Law of Attraction to help other women deliberately create their dream life. 

She works with women both personally and professionally who want to uplevel their life, business, and relationships. Her approach combines strategy and intuition, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and her studies on manifestation and energetics, to help her clients achieve massive transformation. She believes that if given the right tools and resources, anyone can unlock their unlimited potential. Now having mastered the art of manifestation, she has an insatiable passion for giving women the tools to help create transformation in their own lives.

Maria Concha (@manifestingninja)

Maria Concha is a wonderful Mindset and Manifestation coach who brings something unique to the table. Her combination of practical techniques and spirituality helps her teach women to master their minds and manifest their deepest desires into their lives. Through her method, she helps women get rid of all those limiting beliefs that inhabit their subconscious minds so they can truly change their mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance and flow. 

Maria has worked to become a Mindset and Manifestation coach and speaker for nearly a decade and she has learned from amazing teachers from all over the world. She has helped thousands of women unlock their inner strength and power through her coaching programs, courses, digital content, and useful tips on Instagram. Maria has created a thriving community and a 6-figure business using nothing but her business savvy mindset and her passion for empowering women around the world. 

Her brand Manifesting Ninja reaches thousands of women and helps them create the life and business they dream of.  Of course, Maria is no stranger to the struggles many people go through. But she overcame the worst of her life, including child abuse, neglect and poverty, using nothing but her mind. She decided to change the narrative and course of her life and is proud to help other women do the same.

Ximena Cardenas (@Glowlistica)

Ximena Cardenas is a Master Mindset, Manifestation Coach and Speaker specializing in unblocking subconscious beliefs of unworthiness. She has coached over 100 individuals on how to unblock and reprogram negative thought patterns that limit their earning potential and belief in themselves, so they can manifest their desires. Her techniques are derived from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Holistic living.

She is the founder of Glowlistica and Glow Getter Academy which guides coaches and service providers to overcome imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and money blocks. She is also a nutritionist who incorporates a holistic approach into her membership, 1:1 online client consultation, and public speaking initiatives. Ximena believes you do not have to sacrifice your well-being to successfully manifest your goals. She combines western & eastern practices with the most up-to-date research. She draws on neuroscience, positive physiology, NLP, mindfulness, and hypnosis.

Having grown up with divorced parents and her grandmother murdered at the hands of terrorists in Columbia, Ximena had a lot of limiting beliefs especially around money and lack of self-worth. She started as an immigrant who had nothing to working at one of the largest banks in Canada and building her business. The only thing that propelled her was a strong belief that she was meant for more! Through her life experiences, Ximena knows more than anyone the power of manifestation.

Lea Fuentes (@lea_fuentes)

Lea Fuentes was born with an entrepreneurial spirit, so she was never happy with common jobs. She started her personal growth journey 6 years ago and what she discovered throughout the years is that she’s truly happy bringing personal growth into the lives of others. Lea boldly decided to leave her job as a Registered Nurse to pursue her passion for coaching and hasn’t looked back. She has a deep belief in it and coaching people on their personal growth journeys is her true passion. 

Coaching became second nature to Lea and it’s clear this was meant to be her life passion. What she does is empower people by helping them find peace with their past, and get clear on their needs, wishes, and future desires. These are all aspects of life that tend to be neglected for a lack of time, but once the focus is brought back to them, life will change for the better. 

Lea doesn’t only offer her one-on-one coaching services, but also group coaching and hypnotherapy. She helps her clients resolve their past and get a clear view of their future and their future selves. Her coaching services bring something different to the table because she allows people to befriend their unconscious and expedite healing through the tools and techniques she provides. As well as teaching her exclusive methods to easy, successful manifestation.

Amanda Suga - (@theilluminaryco)

Amanda Suga is a business executive turned Manifestation Coach. She is the go-to life and empowerment mentor for modern mystic mamas who want to step into the fullest expression of themselves through manifestation and mindful living. With a successful 10 year long career in the corporate sector, Amanda walked away when she realized that manifesting for her corporate career and working on other people's time was no longer serving her. Now, Amanda focuses on helping ambitious moms step into their power to attract their desires into reality, bringing abundance, wholeness and fulfillment.

The Illuminary Co. offers private coaching and workshops that develop new perspectives, mindsets and behaviours that allow the innate manifestation powers within us to be revealed and harnessed. Amanda has first hand experience at guiding this energy to shift and shape her life, attracting financial abundance, a fulfilling career, the love of her life and a beautiful child into the world; all deep desires that Amanda had been searching for. Through her study and commitment to these practices, Amanda has discovered the immense value of these ancient teachings and the ability for anyone to tap into them with the right guidance.

Amanda is unafraid to embrace the mystical aspects of her practice, blending intuitive wisdom with modern psychology in order to create a balanced and joyful life for her and her clients, with the guiding belief that, “you can have it all.”

Mia Belle (@miabellecoaching)

Mia Belle is a former professional football player who had to retire due to multiple knee injuries so she found her way into the corporate world at the age of 25. However, after years of trauma, abuse, PTSD and depression, she had no confidence, no self-worth, was very unhappy, and she felt lost and stuck. Convinced that she was meant for something more, she started working on herself, found her way and is now living her dream life. 

Mia Belle found her self-love, confidence, and she gained back the control she had lost. She learned to voice her needs and stand up for herself and her values. Changing her mindset and overcoming her hardships led her out of rock bottom and into success. Today, she's rediscovered her power, her happiness, and her purpose in life and she wants to help other women to do the same. She has made it her mission to inspire others to be who they want to be and live their dream life. 

She’s a certified Life & Success Coach, NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT, and TIME Techniques Practitioner. Mia Belle has all the tools to help women let go of what no longer serves them and step into the highest version of themselves. Through her experience and guidance, women will be able to get rid of limiting beliefs and leap towards their dreams with confidence and courage.

Make sure to follow each of these amazing manifestation coaches, as they continue to thrive and help their clients manifest their dream life.  Each of their Instagram's have been directly linked here. Finally, we would like to thank Boost Media Agency for taking the time to put this article together.

Media Details
Contact: Lewis Schenk
Company: Boost Media Agency
Phone: 3106001787


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