How does Elevations RTC provide support for the entire family?

Salt Lake City, UT, Jan. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Salt Lake City-based residential treatment center Elevations RTC recently highlighted a few of the main ways they provide full family support when a teenager enrolls as a student. A location that caters to troubled teens looking to turn their life around, providing proper family support helps everyone involved.

With years of experience, Elevations RTC has made a few tweaks to ensure that families can heal properly, stay informed at all times, and feel comfortable during this journey. A few seemingly minor details make a difference when compared directly to other residential treatment centers out there.

Keeping family connected anywhere

Modern technology has allowed families to stay more connected than ever with their teenager at Elevations RTC. By offering more and more options each year, parents can take advantage of whatever fits into a schedule best to learn what exactly is going on at campus. Whether a parent wants to talk to a staff member or their child, opportunities exist throughout each week.

Orientation and on-campus visits

A lot of families find a way to go through orientation on campus before enrolling. It is a way to become familiar with the campus. It also makes the entire experience a little more real for both the students and the parents.

It is always encouraged to go through orientation if possible, but it is not a realistic option for all. Throughout the year, campus visits for parents allow them to check out how their child spends every day. It is always excellent for parents and students to have some level of connection during these months.

Seminars on campus

Orientation and official campus visits are great options, but seminars throughout the year are great opportunities for parents as well. This provides a rare opportunity where parents and students can share the therapeutic benefits of Elevations RTC School.

For two days, teenagers and parents get time to spend with each other while also working on skills to help with growth. It is a way for parents to see the type of progress their child has made and how it can potentially transfer back home seamlessly.

Weekly therapy sessions

There is a weekly therapy session available to all parents, offered directly by Elevations RTC professionals. Each week provides a slightly different theme, but it acts as an open forum for parents to ask questions and get different types of feedback. In some cases, parents are asking questions directly to Elevations RTC Staff members. There is also the opportunity to talk and share information with other parents who might be having similar concerns.

Bringing in different guests to the weekly online meetings is a great way for parents to get varied perspectives. There are times when former students and their parents join to talk about how navigating the process works. Picking their brain and understanding post-graduation expectations helps bring a sense of security.

One-on-one phone calls and video chats

Families unable to stay connected in other ways can always reach out and set up a phone call or video chat. This is the most direct way to get information, and the flexibility of the staff can fit any schedule.

The downside to these phone calls and video chats is that time is a little more limited. It works as a quick way to get answers, but it is encouraged to stay connected in other ways beyond just occasional calls.

Why family support matters

Proper family support throughout this healing process helps make the transition back home much easier. Students are away from home for months and months, and without support, it can take a toll on everyone. That’s why Elevations RTC is dedicated to involving families wherever possible along the journey ahead.

