Heijmans: strong financial results in 2020


  • Revenue and underlying EBITDA increase by 9%;
  • Net result 2020 higher at € 40 million;
  • Order book at € 1.9 billion;
  • Balance sheet shows continued improvement: higher solvency ratio (28.8%), robust cash position;
  • Dividend proposal € 0.73 per share (pay-out ratio 40%);
  • Outlook 2021: slightly lower revenue, profit at least at same level.

Ton Hillen, CEO Heijmans:
“The year 2020 was overshadowed by the pandemic, but our people showed resilience. Thanks to adapted health and safety regulations, we were able to continue work on projects. This enabled us to improve our results despite Covid-19 and the persistent nitrogen problem. Heijmans did not make use of any government support measures in 2020, such as the NOW scheme or the possibility of deferring tax payments. I am proud of an excellent performance by our employees in a dynamic and challenging year.

All sectors contributed to our revenue growth. I am particularly pleased with the performance of Infra, where we saw the course we set in recent years result in a sharp improvement in results and a more balanced order book. Based on the current order book, Heijmans is also in a good position for 2021. We see challenges in the market and the economy, but thanks to our proven resilience and agility we are optimistic.

My colleague Hans Janssen, CFO and member of the Executive Board, recently announced that he will be leaving Heijmans by the end of April. Both the Supervisory Board and I regret his departure but respect his choice. We are grateful to Hans for the pleasant working relationship and his contribution to the development and strengthening of Heijmans over the past three and a half years. We have already started the process of appointing a new CFO.

Our strategic agenda is determined by themes such as sustainability and circularity, energy, nature-inclusive building, climate-adaptive solutions and Smart Cities. For instance, we are working to make our equipment fleet more sustainable, and our targets are ambitious. Standardisation and digitalisation will also lead to greater efficiency, more scope for learning and even higher safety levels. We are increasingly involved in the planning phase of projects, providing advice on area development with an eye for nature, people and health. This gives an opportunity to have even more impact with our mission, as creators of a healthy living environment.”

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Profil de l'entrepriseHeijmans NVIndustrie: Heavy Construction