The ‘Powerhouse Trifecta’ Led by Mitch Gould at Nutritional Products International Guides Health and Wellness Brands Through the ‘Evolution of Distribution’ Platform

Gould’s Proprietary Strategy Helps NPI's Clients Enter or Expand in the U.S.

BOCA RATON, FL, Feb. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould, founder and CEO of Nutritional Products International, uses a strategy called “Evolution of Distribution” to help international and domestic health and wellness brands jump over obstacles when rolling out a new product in the United States.

“I created the ‘Evolution of Distribution’ retail model to provide NPI’s clients with all the services they need to succeed,” he said. “At NPI, we use my “Evolution of Distribution” platform to help domestic and international health and wellness brands expand their presence in the U.S. or enter the American market for the first time.”

Under Gould’s guidance, NPI's retail industry team offers salespeople, operations personnel, graphic designers, and e-commerce and marketing experts to meet all the challenges a company will face when expanding into the U.S.

To succeed, Gould has put together a “Powerhouse Trifecta” to work with NPI’s clients. The ‘Powerhouse Trifecta” team includes Gould, NPI President Jeff Fernandez, and Kenneth E. Collins, NPI’s executive vice president.

“The three of us probably have more than seven decades of retail experience and knowledge to call upon when our clients need guidance,” Gould said.

Gould said the “Evolution of Distribution” platform helped NPI’s clients with major retailers expand their retail distribution during the pandemic.

“It has been a roller-coaster ride for the retail industry during the past year because of the pandemic,” Gould said. “But more than 50 million people in America have received a COVID-19 vaccination, and it looks likes we will have more than 100 million people by summer protected from the virus.”

Gould said if this trend continues, the country and the retail industry will start to see a return to normalcy.

“Make no mistake about the retail industry. Consumer retail habits have changed forever. We will see a return to shopping in person, but the increased online shopping that occurred during the pandemic will continue.”

Gould and Collins worked with Fernandez in the early 2000s, when they helped stock more than 150 brands on Amazon’s new health and wellness category.

“Ken and I had connections with more than 150 brands when Jeff was working as a buyer for the Amazon team that was starting up a brand new category,” Gould said. “Amazon was beginning to branch out beyond books and electronics. ”

Gould said he understands the issues brand manufacturers face when they try to enter the U.S. market.

“With my ‘Evolution of Distribution” platform, I tried to make it as easy as possible,” Gould added.

For more information, visit Nutritional Products International online.


NPI is a privately-held company specializing in the retail distribution of nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, functional beverages, and skincare products. NPI offers a unique, proven approach for product manufacturers worldwide seeking to launch or expand their products' distribution in the U.S. retail market. 

Mitch Gould, the founder of NPI, is a third-generation retail distribution and manufacturing professional. Gould developed the "Evolution of Distribution" platform, which provides domestic and international product manufacturers with the sales, marketing, and product distribution expertise required to succeed in the world's largest market -- the United States. Gould, known as a global marketing guru, also has represented icons from the sports and entertainment worlds such as Steven Seagal, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Coleman, Roberto Clemente Jr., Chuck Liddell, and Wayne Gretzky.







Mitch Gould, the founder of NPI, is a third-generation retail distribution and manufacturing professional. Gould developed the "Evolution of Distribution" platform, which provides domestic and international product manufacturers with the sales, marketing, and product distribution expertise required to succeed in the world's largest market -- the United States. Gould, known as a global marketing guru, also has represented icons from the sports and entertainment worlds such as Steven Seagal, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Coleman, Roberto Clemente Jr., Chuck Liddell, and Wayne Gretzky.
