Comfort Women Backpacks Taking the Industry By Storm

San Francisco, California, Feb. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In 2021, the leading backpack brands are competing to make the best comfort women backpacks and we here at Good Guy News are here to cover the story. The global backpack market was worth around $17 billion in 2019. It is projected that this market will reach a value of over $20 billion by 2024. A significant percentage of the sales are generated from selling women backpacks. That is why the top brands are prioritizing comfort women backpacks. 

Bag Size Is Everything

Top brands are manufacturing backpacks with a shorter back length to meet the needs of women travelers. For example, Lowe Alpine has women's backpacks with a back length of 38-50 cm. 

Women and men are built differently. Most men can handle the weight and size of a larger backpack than women. It is recommended that a petite woman should not carry a backpack that is over 70 liters in capacity.

Women backpacks have a shorter back length than the unisex models. Women who are unsure whether they should buy a women's backpack need to measure their back length before the shopping process. 

By measuring the length of the back from the iliac crest to the base of the neck, a woman will get an indication of whether they will benefit from comfort women backpacks tailored for shorter torsos. A tall woman might need a unisex pack.

Even though comfort women backpacks are generally aimed at women, that doesn't mean that they are not suitable for some men. The main difference between backpacks for women and other backpacks is the shorter back length that is designed for the shorter female torso. 

However, some men are on the shorter side, and they will find that women's backpacks are ideal. Some of these backpacks might come in female-friendly colors, but others are available in neutral colors that are likely to appeal to most men.

There is no reason why a shorter man can't use a backpack that has been marketed as a female backpack. It is hard to tell the difference, especially if the backpack has a neutral color.

Protecting the Back

Top brands are focusing on protecting the back. The leading brands, including Deuter, Lowe Alpine, the North Face, Patagonia, Dagne Dover, and Tortuga, have invested a lot of money in developing back-friendly backpacks.

These brands are manufacturing backpacks in more manageable sizes, tailored to the petite side of the height spectrum. It is hard to find a women's backpack that is over 70 liters in capacity.  

A petite traveler should limit the size of their backpack to 50-70 liters to avoid straining the back. A smaller backpack will mean that a traveler will not overpack for the trip.

Prioritizing Comfort

Brands including Madewell, Caraa Cloud, Pacsafe, and Matt & Nat are manufacturing comfort women backpacks with shoulder straps and additional padding in the hip belt to facilitate more comfort across the hip bones. Top brands are focusing on having an adjustable back system; this makes it possible to adjust the harness length to comfortably fit the length of the back.

Manufacturers of the Best Comfort Women Backpacks

There are a number of comfort women backpacks from top manufacturers such as Deuter, Lowe Alpine, and Vango. Lowe Alpine's backpacks for women have the initials 'ND' on the front face of the bag. 'ND' stands for Nanda Devi, which is the Hindu word for 'Blessed Goddess,' India's second-highest mountain. Deuter and Vango use the initial 'S' on their women's backpacks, which indicates a shorter back length system. Eagle Creek backpacks have the initial 'W' after the liters of the backpack, indicating that it is made for women.

Most women will need backpacks with a shorter back length. However, some women will require unisex models. Whichever is the case, it's important to look for the comfort women backpack that best suits your needs.

