Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink Now Available on

Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink Quenches Skin’s Thirst for Radiant Skin

PALM BEACH, FL, March 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- now carries Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink with collagen, which moisturizes the skin and decreases the appearance of wrinkles.

“We are excited that Walmart carries Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drinks,” said Annette Steiner-Kienzler, product developer and pharmacist for R-Pharm. “Our skin care drink is an innovative and effective skin care beverage for a nourishing alternative to  sugary sweet drinks.”

Skincare experts agree sugary drinks cause an inflammatory effect on the body and are bad for your skin, which will often look saggy and dull because of the high sugar content Americans consume every day.

“Why starve your skin of needed nourishment with a soda when you can have a great tasting beverage that is good for you,” Steiner-Kienzler said.

Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink, which comes in regular and low-calorie versions, combines natural antioxidants from black currants with aloe vera, vitamin B3, biotin, and a special, high-quality collagen complex with high bio-availability.

“Our beverage provides the skin with moisture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles,” Steiner-Kienzler said.

Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink helps to reveal your natural beauty from within and promote healthy skin.

“We believe that nutrition is key to healthy and beautiful skin,” Steiner-Kienzler said. “Your diet is important not only for your health but also for your skin. Unfortunately, people don’t always have the time to prepare nutritious meals. In our constantly on-the-go lifestyle, unhealthy eating and drinking is a common occurrence.”

Steiner-Kienzler said Bloom Beauty Essence® provides needed nutrition to keep your skin glowing.

“Bloom Beauty Essence® is the first tasty skincare drink with collagen that rehydrates and protects your skin during the day,” Steiner-Kienzler said.

“Now, because decided to carry Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink, we can touch the lives of many more people who strive for radiant skin,” she added.

To purchase Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink, click on the following links:




Bloom Beauty Essence® Skin Care Drink provides the skin with needed moisture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
