Global infrastructure expert Norman F. Anderson presents a detailed blueprint for recreating the U.S. economy in “Vision — Our Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Forward”

Released this week, Anderson and co-author Seth Kaufman assert that investing in artificial intelligence, 5G networking and machine learning is an urgent, now-or-never proposition

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Norman F. Anderson, chairman and CEO of Washington, D.C.-based CG/LA Infrastructure, has released “Vision — Our Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Forward” along with co-author Seth Kaufman. Available now in print and digital versions, “Vision” presents a detailed blueprint for recreating the U.S. economy.

With more than 35 years of experience in the global multisector industry, Anderson asserts in “Vision” the startling view that infrastructure is no longer the foundation for health, productivity and opportunity — but that a digitized and electrified economy will be the brains that drive job market along with U.S. national security and global leadership moving forward.

“The same people, with the same solutions and even less money available,” is how Anderson expertly describes today’s infrastructure economy challenge. But he maintains there is a clear path forward. “Our economy today compared to the economy that we can have in 2030 is as different as the iPhone was from the Blackberry,” he said. In the book, Anderson maintains that 5G, AI, machine learning, autonomy and “the electrification and digitization of everything” is where we need to make big investments.

Out this week, “Vision” takes readers through stories that highlight the people leading the charge. From creating autonomy on our interstate highway system, a data commercialization platform for our smart cities and travel from Washington to New York in less than an hour, Anderson profiles an incredible array of projects and leaders bringing this new economy to life. 

“The heroes of the book are not leaders in Washington or Wall Street, but citizens around the country demanding change, driving projects, inventing solutions and ensuring that their voices are heard,” Anderson said. “This is the biggest economic change in our country in 120 years, since the advent of the internal combustion engine, and with this kind of economic change new public institutions are critical.”  

The book concludes with a fascinating chapter detailing 10 action items critical for Main Street to reclaim the U.S. economy and drive us toward an unprecedented era of growth and opportunity. “Vision — Our Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Forward” is available now in both print and digital versions at Amazon and other outlets.

About Norman F. Anderson

Norman F. Anderson is chairman and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure, based in Washington D.C. Anderson brings more than 35 years of experience and expertise in the global multisector industry to “Vision — Our Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Forward.” In his role at CD/LA, he  oversees Blueprint 2025 2X, the Leadership Forum platform, and GlobalViP, the National Infrastructure Performance Council. Anderson is a frequent contributor to CNBC, Bloomberg, CBC and Fox Business News, presenting expert views the U.S. and global infrastructure markets.  

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