Beyond Celiac Launches Virtual Town Hall Series Connecting Celiac Disease Community With the Latest News in Medical and Research Advancements

Live Zoom Debut on March 24 with The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA, March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beyond Celiac, the leading catalyst for a celiac disease cure in the United States, announced today it is launching a new virtual Town Hall series of interviews with top scientists, doctors and other professionals in the celiac disease field. By hosting these conversations via a live Zoom event open to the public, Beyond Celiac aims to delve deeper into the research and medical topics its community wants to learn more about and connect them with the people making advancements happen.

“Our celiac community drives everything we do here at Beyond Celiac to accelerate research towards a treatment and cure for celiac disease,” said Alice Bast, CEO of Beyond Celiac. “When we create dialogue between celiac disease patients and the researchers and medical professionals in the field, we are connecting science with the realities of the patient experience, powering scientific progress and keeping our community informed.” 

The first Town Hall will be live on Wednesday, March 24 at noon EST. The conversation will be recorded and available to view afterward at For more information and the Zoom link, visit

Beyond Celiac director of scientific affairs Amy Ratner will lead the discussion with Lisa Fahey, MD, clinical director of the Celiac Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and Betsy Turner, PhD, pediatric psychologist and psychosocial manager in the CHOP Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.

The group will explore several key topics of interest for parents of children with celiac disease, including:

  • Main issues that psychologists at the Celiac Center see in children with celiac disease
  • Top concerns after diagnosis
  • Ways to quickly respond to gluten exposure
  • How to transition celiac disease management from parent to child as the child gets older

Future Town Hall dates will include conversations with leading organizations such as the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF), a research and educational organization dedicated to ensuring that high-risk racial and ethnic populations and communities receive optimal health care. Beyond Celiac and NMQF announced they will be working together over the next several years to examine and address health inequities in the diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease. 

Celiac disease is a serious genetic autoimmune disorder that affects an estimated 1 in 133 Americans, more than half of whom are still undiagnosed. The disease causes damage to the small intestine, resulting in debilitating symptoms, and if left untreated, can lead to serious long-term health problems including infertility and some types of cancer.

About Beyond Celiac

Founded in 2003, Beyond Celiac is the leading catalyst for a celiac disease cure in the United States, serving as a patient advocacy and research-driven organization working to drive diagnosis and accelerate the discovery of new treatments. By engaging with the top scientists in the field, making the right investments in research and supporting the broad community of those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, Beyond Celiac envisions a world in which people can live healthy lives and eat without fear – a world Beyond Celiac.

