DigitalAMN Assesses Its PAI Ecosystem Ahead of Client Rollout

NEW YORK, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. (“DigitalAMN” or the “Company”) (OTCMKTS: DATI), a Public Accelerator-Incubator (“PAI”), is pleased to announce, that based on the Company’s recent announcement of its readiness to fully push its initiatives forward, DigitalAMN will become the first business to fully leverage its PAI Ecosystem, ahead of its client-companies.

As a hybrid accelerator and incubator, DigitalAMN provides business support services through its PAI Ecosystem – which includes (but is not limited to):

  • One-on-one business acceleration;
  • Market strategy - creation and implementation;
  • Access to capital – includes leveraging Titles II, III and/or IV of the JOBS Act;
  • Business management consulting services;
  • International investor network; and,
  • Access to early liquidity (for both entrepreneurs and their investors).

“It’s fair to say, that we’ve come a long way since Molly St. Louis’ coverage of DigitalAMN for,” stated Ajene Watson, CEO of DigitalAMN. “Since then, we’ve made considerable effort towards building and testing various components of what would ultimately become today’s PAI Ecosystem. We initially set out to formulate the most effective method of supporting everyday entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, private or public (microcap) companies, while also creating an environment where everyday people could participate as early investors in startups and development stage businesses, while they are still affordable. We believe that as of today, we have created exactly this.”

“While we are currently vetting new, prospective businesses to onboard, both private and public (microcap) companies, management concluded that DigitalAMN should be the first company to experience the entire ecosystem. What better way to prove out the viability of what we’ve built, along with our confidence in how the PAI ecosystem should help everyday people achieve their goals.”

As previously mentioned, through a mix of current and pending partnerships, investments and acquisitions; management has built DigitalAMN’s PAI Ecosystem to include: a funding portal operator (for crowdfunded supported capital raises via the JOBS ACT), a digital marketing and communications specialist, an international, high-net-worth private deal club, business development consultants, business accelerators, a financial bootcamp and a growing network of private investors.

Management indicated that the Company has already begun maneuvering through its own PAI Ecosystem process. First, DigitalAMN raised non-convertible bridge funding, a method and feature of the PAI Ecosystem. Next, the Company participates in a one-on-one business and marketing acceleration program, as it is now currently undergoing, which is designed to prepare the Company for its crowd supported capital raise––leveraging any one of Title(s) II, III and/or IV of the JOBS Act to raise additional capital.

Watson concluded, “Working through our own ecosystem first, is simply our way to responsibly help ensure a successful process for our clients. To follow, will likely be the mail-in ballot specialist and election services company, Global Election Services, Inc. (GES), as well as, Vezt, Inc.––often referred by media as the ‘stock market of music’. We believe they will precede those prospects we’ve already begun vetting as potential onboards and additions to our equity portfolio.”

With this process already underway, the Company is positioned to responsibly pursue growth capital and has slated a path to potentially develop sustainable revenues. Further, management has retained an auditor who has begun auditing DigitalAMN’s financials. The Company also plans to upgrade to the OTCQB within the next 12 months.

ABOUT Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc.

Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. (OTCMKTS: DATI) is the first company to utilize the Public Accelerator-Incubator (PAI) model, with the intent to follow the global success of accelerators and incubators around the world, adding niche opportunities to both the microcap and startup communities. As a PAI, Digital Asset Monetary Network will develop and acquire innovations that solve problems through digital platforms and other electronic applications.


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Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the Company's actual operating results to be materially different from any historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements that explicitly describe these risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements that contain terms such as "believes," "belief," "expects," "expect," "intends," "intend," "anticipate," "anticipates," "plans," "plan," to be uncertain and forward-looking. No information in this press release should be construed as any indication whatsoever of our future revenues, stock price, or results of operations.

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Profil de l'entrepriseDigital Asset Monetary Network, Inc.Industrie: TechnologySite Internet: