Annual Report 2020 published

Malmö-ZetaDisplay AB (publ) (NASDAQ Stockholm: ZETA) announces that the Annual Report for 2020 (in Swedish) has been published and is available in electronic format on the Group's website

The printed version of the annual report and the English shorter version will be available at the Group's head office after 29 April.

Considering the extraordinary situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, ZetaDisplay's Annual General Meeting will be conducted by advance voting (postal voting) on the basis of temporary legal provisions. No meeting with the possibility to attend in person or through a representative will take place. The full notice and supporting documents for postal voting are available on

Malmö, 6 April 2021

This information is such information that ZetaDisplay AB (publ) is required to disclose under the Securities Markets Act. The information was provided, by Per Mandorf, for publication on 6 April 2021 at 11:00 am.

For questions, please contact:

Per Mandorf, President & CEO
Phone  +46 704-25 82 34

Jacob Stjernfält, CFO
Phone  +46 76-8754177

Daniel Oelker, CCO
Phone  +46 708-45 80 54

About ZetaDisplay

ZetaDisplay acts at the heart of digital transformations in physical environ­ments. We contribute to nudging peoples’ behaviour at the point-of-decision in retail environments, public spaces and workplace environments. Our solutions are known as Digital Signage that we develop and offer as SaaS-solutions. We are a European leader and intend to drive the further consolidation of the market organically and through acquisitions.

ZetaDisplay has its head office in Malmö. The company generates revenues of approximately MSEK 370 and employs 160 staff at ten offices in six European countries and the USA. In total, the company handles 50,000 installations on 50 markets. The share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm [ZETA]. More information at



Pièces jointes

20210406 ZD Annual Report 2020 ZetaDisplay arsredovisning 2020 Final uppslag