The Canadian Vaping Association launches platform for vapers to tell their story

Beamsville, ON, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) has launched, a national initiative that provides adult vapers a platform to share their story on how vaping helped them quit smoking. The aim of the initiative, sponsored by Flavourart Distro, is to remind Canadians and regulators that punitive vape regulation has real consequences for adult smokers that have chosen vaping to reduce their harm.

The website will enable adult vapers to upload short videos detailing, where they live, how long they smoked, how long they have been smoke-free, the flavour and nicotine concentration they used, and what they would do if flavours were to be banned. Canadian’s need to hear from adult vapers, not the industry. The CVA encourages all adult vapers to share their story.

Globally, the conversation around vaping has lost sight of the millions of lives that can be saved through vaping. Vaping has presented an unparalleled harm reduction opportunity and flavours are the key to adult adoption and success quitting smoking. will highlight the importance of flavoured products and the positive impact vaping has had on the lives of millions of adult smokers.

