BVC (Benoit & Valérie Calvet) join AdVini to accelerate the international development of the business and its brands.

BVC (Benoit & Valérie Calvet) join AdVini to accelerate the international development of the business and its brands.

Benoit and Valérie Calvet, the founders of BVC, a Bordeaux-based company creating brands sourced from major European wine regions, are willing to accelerate the company's international development by joining AdVini.

"AdVini benefits from extensive connections across the wine world, both in France and South Africa, an international distribution network and industrial resources that will help us boost our sourcing and develop our global brands, whilst handling customer requests more effectively," explain Valérie and Benoit Calvet, founders of BVC.

"Our retail customers are looking for high impact brands that offer the consumer excellent value for money. Benoit and Valérie have successfully created market leaders that will strengthen our European offer. I’m thinking in particular of the fantastic work they have done for organic wines from the Utiel-Requena Designation of Origin with the Toro Loco brand. We are well placed to accelerate and globalise its growth," explains Antoine Leccia, Chairman of the Board at AdVini.

Benoit and Valérie Calvet will remain in position as directors of BVC and will continue to oversee the operational management of the company, with the support of their existing employees. BVC will remain completely independent in terms of sourcing and marketing its wines.

Benoit and Valérie Calvet have also acquired a stake in AdVini alongside the family shareholders, notably the Jeanjean family.

About BVC

Maison BVC was founded in 1984 in Bordeaux by Benoit and Valérie Calvet and specialises in the creation and export of branded wines for its international customers. Its brands are sourced from the different major winegrowing regions in France and also Italy and Spain. Its subsidiary BVC Bodegas owns the Toro Loco which it makes and bottles and bottles in the Spanish DO Utiel Requena. In 2020, Maison BVC posted 30 million Euros in sales.

About AdVini

AdVini is a benchmark for French terroir wine with 2,075 hectares of vineyards well-established in the most well-reputed winegrowing regions such as Ogier and its Clos de L’Oratoire des Papes in Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Antoine Moueix Propriétés with Château Capet-Guillier in Saint-Emilion and Château Patache d’Aux in Médoc Cru Bourgeois, Domaine Laroche in Chablis, Maison Champy in Côte-de-Beaune, Vignobles Jeanjean and Mas La Chevalière in Languedoc, Cazes and Clos de Paulilles in Roussillon, Gassier with Château Gassier and Château de Roquefeuille in Provence Sainte Victoire, Rigal and Château de Chambert in Cahors.

AdVini also has a presence in South Africa with nearly 200 hectares of vineyards in Stellenbosch, L’Avenir, a wine tourism estate, Ken Forrester Vineyards, Le Bonheur Wine Estate, Maison du Cap and Stellenbosch Vineyards.

Its Maisons de Vins and vineyards enjoy a flourishing reputation and recognition that allows them to export to over 106 countries.

Press contact



Jean-Pierre Durand
Marketing and Communication Director


Chloé Perinet
External Communication Manager


Benoit Calvet





Pièces jointes

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