Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of ZetaDisplay AB (publ)

Malmö - ZetaDisplay AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: ZETA) held its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) on 3 May 2021. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the AGM was held only by postal vote. The following resolutions were adopted at the AGM.

Adoption of the annual accounts and discharge from liability

The AGM resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet for ZetaDisplay and the Group for the financial year 2020. The AGM also resolved to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for their management of the company's affairs during the financial year 2020.

Allocation of the result

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, that ZetaDisplay's results should be carried forward and that no dividend is thus paid.

Board of Directors and Auditor

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, to re-elect Mats Johansson, Ingrid Jonasson Blank, Mats Leander, Anders Moberg, Anders Pettersson, Mia Alholm, Trond Gunnar Christensen and Finn Følling as board members. Mats Johansson was also re-elected Chairman of the Board. The audit firm PwC was elected as auditor.

The AGM further resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal on remuneration to the Board of Directors, remuneration for committee work and that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.

Nomination Committee for the next AGM

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, on unchanged principles for the appointment of the Nomination Committee.

Remuneration report

The AGM approved the Board's remuneration report for 2020.

Issue authorization

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to authorize the Board of Directors, on one or more occasions until the next AGM, to increase the company's share capital through new issues of shares, warrants or convertibles, with or without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights and with or without provision for in kind or set-off or other conditions.

The total number of shares that may be issued, or, in the case of issue of convertibles or warrants, accrued after conversion or exercise, pursuant to the authorization, in the case of issues where the shareholders have preferential rights, shall be limited to 25 percent of the number of shares outstanding at the time of publication of the notice. For issues without preferential rights for shareholders, a corresponding limit of 10 percent applies. Furthermore, a new share issue resolved pursuant to the authorization that takes place without preferential rights for the shareholders shall be made as part of financing of acquisitions.

Repurchase authorisation

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to authorize the Board of Directors to, on one or more occasions during the period until the next AGM, resolve on the acquisition or transfer of own shares. Acquisitions may not exceed so many shares that the company's holding of own shares after the acquisition amounts to more than one tenth of all shares in the company. The purpose of the authorization is to make possible an improvement of the company's capital structure or to make possible a transfer of shares in connection with financing acquisitions.

New company name and amendment of the Articles of Association

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to change the company's company name and the articles of association. The company name is ZetaGroup AB. The decision to change the company name shall be conditional on the company obtaining the necessary trademark approvals regarding the new company name abroad.

The information was submitted for publication, provided by Per Mandorf, on May 3, 2021 at 2 p.m CEST.

For questions, please contact:

Per Mandorf, President & CEO
Phone +46 704-25 82 34
Email per.mandorf@zetadisplay.com

Jacob Stjernfält, CFO
Phone +46 768-75 41 77
E-mail jacob.stjernfalt@zetadisplay.com

Daniel Oelker, CCO
Phone +46 708-45 80 54
E-mail daniel.oelker@zetadisplay.com

About ZetaDisplay

ZetaDisplay acts at the heart of digital transformations in physical environments. We contribute to nudging peoples’ behaviour at the point-of-decision in retail environments, public spaces and workplace environments. Our solutions are known as Digital Signage that we develop and offer as SaaS-solutions. We are a European leader and intend to drive the further consolidation of the market organically and through acquisitions.

ZetaDisplay has its head office in Malmö. The company generates revenues of approximately MSEK 450 and employs 200 staff at ten offices in six European countries and the USA. In total, the company handles more than 70,000 installations on over 50 markets. The share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm [ZETA]. More information at ir.zetadisplay.com.



Pièces jointes

20210503 ZD Bulletin from Annual General Meeting 2021 FINAL