IBM Announced it has Created a Two-nanometer Chip, The Smallest, Most Powerful Microchip Yet Developed

Dublin, May 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ResearchAndMarkets.compublished a new article on the Nano-chip industry "IBM Creates Smallest Ever Chip"

IBM announced it has created a two-nanometer chip, the smallest, most powerful microchip yet developed.

Most computer chips powering devices today use 10-nanometer or seven-nanometer process technology, with some manufacturers producing five-nanometer chips. The lower numbers denote smaller, more advanced processors.

IBM's new chip uses two-nanometer process technology, a huge leap forward for the components used to everything from consumers' smart phones and appliances to supercomputers and transportation equipment.

The way to improve a chip's performance is to increase the number of transistors — the core elements that process data — without increasing its overall size. The new 2-nanometer chips are roughly the size of a fingernail, and contain 50 billion transistors, each about the size of two DNA strands, according to IBM vice president of hybrid cloud research Mukesh Khare.

The article on contains a selection of reports on nanochips/nanotechnology such as:

  • Biochips - Technologies, Markets & Companies
  • Molecular Diagnostics - Technologies, Markets and Companies
  • Nanobiotechnologies - Applications, Markets & Companies

To see the full article and a list of related reports on the market, visit "IBM Creates Smallest Ever Chip"


