Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Notes of the manager on Q1 2021


For Q1 2021 we record the following key data:

  • The EPRA earnings end of March 2021 amount to € 7.2 million, in line with end of March 2020 (€ 7.3 million)
  • The occupancy rate rises from 91.62% (31/12/2020) to 92.05%
  • The funding cost drops to 2.23% (2020: 2.35%)
  • The debt ratio decreases from 55.58% end 2020 to 54.56%
  • Proposal for approval of the dividend distribution over the financial year 2020 of € 5.25 gross per share (same dividend distribution as over the financial year 2019), approval of which will be submitted to the general meeting of today, held at 16.00h.



Pièces jointes

2021 05 17_LRE Q1 2021 and OGM_ENG_Final