GeneThera Inc. Expands Its Operation in the United Kingdom

WESTMINSTER, Colo., May 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GeneThera is pleased to announce that it has incorporated a subsidiary in the United Kingdom. GeneThera Robotics Ltd, a majority owned subsidiary based in England, will be responsible for UK and International Operations. Mrs. Alex Baglietto has been appointed as Managing Director of GeneThera Robotics Limited. GeneThera Robotics is the first step of a global network of laboratories which will create the infrastructure of the Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Alert Shield (ZIDAS). ZIDAS, a network built on Molecular Robotic and AI technology (MORAP), is based on the development of two laboratory settings. The first, a stationary robotic lab facility designed for ultra-high throughput assay, genomic DNA sequencing and viral molecular therapeutics. The second, a mobile lab unit platform, designed to test wastewater for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in communities worldwide. 

Dr. Tony Milici, Chairman and CEO of GeneThera Inc., commented: “We have decided to expand our operation to the UK because we see great opportunities both at the government and private sector level. The UK has been at forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic. The B.1.1.7 SARS CoV-2 British variant has proven to be of particular importance with an estimated transmission rate between forty to eighty percent more transmissible than the wild-type SARS-CoV-2 virus. Cases of B.1.1.7 variant are most likely to be under reported, if reported at all, as common tests are not able to differentiate this variant from other SARS-CoV-2 variants. We believe that our technology platform can significantly help in the detection of this variant by testing wastewater samples. Additionally, the appointment of Mrs. Baglietto, will prove to be a tremendous asset, as she has experience in business and government relations, communications, and in assisting clients in scaling-up business operations, and increasing inward investments."

Mrs. Baglietto holds a B.A. and an M.A. from Cal State University at San Bernardino. She has worked both in the private and public sector and has experience dealing with government and business relations, clients, communications and investments. Mrs. Baglietto has worked with numerous private and public companies, most recently, assisting with assessing political risk, international trade investments and ministry of finance guarantees. Mrs. Baglietto stated, “I am extremely excited to be a part of such a promising and potentially life-saving company. I am aware of the challenges ahead and will utilize my strengths to propel the company forward. I have no doubt that similarly to COVID-19, humanity will continue to see the rise of other infectious diseases; GeneThera will be at the forefront of new COVID variants and other diseases.”

GeneThera has likewise entered into a partnership agreement with Cumming Corporation, a privately held international consulting firm. Cumming Corporation will provide consulting support related to the building of laboratory facilities in the UK, as a part of GeneThera’s ZIDAS global network strategy. 

About GeneThera, Inc.

GeneThera is a biotechnology company developing molecular robotic/AI diagnostics and therapeutics in an effort to control and eradicate zoonotic diseases. GeneThera developed molecular assays for BSE and Mycobacterium Avium Paratuberculosis (MAP). MAP is an infectious organism causing Paratuberculosis in dairy cows that is also linked to Crohn’s Disease in humans. We utilize these technologies to minimize the spread of animal infectious organisms such as SARS-CoV-2 to humans. Management and prevention of zoonotic diseases is crucial to human and animal health on a global scale.

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For further information, please contact:

Tony Milici MD, PhD
GeneThera, Inc.
(720) 587-5100

Profil de l'entrepriseGeneThera Inc.Industrie: BiotechnologySite Internet: