Eurobio Scientific offers a new proprietary test for simultaneous detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and characterization of its new mutations of interest

Eurobio Scientific offers a new proprietary test for simultaneous detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and characterization of its new mutations of interest

Paris, May 26, 2021 – 7:30 am

Eurobio Scientific (FR0013240934, ALERS, PEA-PME eligible), a leading French group in the field of specialty in vitro medical diagnostics, announces today the availability of its new proprietary EurobioPlex SARS-CoV-2 SNPs test (EBX-046), a real-time multiplex PCR* test for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the simultaneous typing of its new mutations.

EBX-046 is a diagnostics test developed and manufactured in France by Eurobio Scientific, allowing, simultaneously in a single well and in a single PCR reaction, the detection on 2 genes of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the characterization of the three mutations currently in interest: L452R (Californian and Indian variants), E484K (South African and Brazilian variants) and E484Q (Indian variant). The N501Y mutation linked to the British variant is no longer included, since it is now present in more than 85% of cases detected in France. These new mutations are under increasing surveillance as they might be involved in the virus escape from the immune system.

This test is integrated, with the other tests in the EurobioPlex family, on open equipment available in large hospitals and private technical platforms. EBX-046 is immediately available in RUO status (for research use only) and, pending CE marking, could be subject to a request for exemption from the ANSM in order to appear on the list of RUO tests marketed in the context of the emergency linked to the pandemic.

With this new proprietary test adapted to the most recent mutations, Eurobio Scientific continues to provide, in real time, the tools necessary to manage the current pandemic and its evolution. With the current vaccination campaign and the new risks presented by the latest mutations, EBX-046 is currently the first test designed and manufactured in France to simultaneously detect the presence of the virus and identify the mutations present on the variants that could escape the immune system. It thus gives health officials the indicator they need to anticipate and prevent a fourth wave by adapting the pandemic exit strategy in real time.

* The "Polymerase Chain Reaction" (PCR) is a method based on the selective multiplication of target DNA sequences, which makes it possible to detect specific DNA sequences present in a biological sample.

About Eurobio Scientific

Eurobio Scientific is a key player in the field of specialty in vitro diagnostics. It is involved from research to manufacturing and commercialization of diagnostic tests in the fields of transplantation, immunology and infectious diseases, and sells instruments and products for research laboratories, including biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Through many partnerships and a strong presence in hospitals, Eurobio Scientific has established its own distribution network and a portfolio of proprietary products in the molecular biology field. The Group has approximately 164 employees and three production units based in the Paris region, in Germany and in the United States, and several affiliates based in Dorking UK, Sissach Switzerland, Bünde Germany and Utrecht in The Netherlands.

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The company is publicly listed on the Euronext Growth market in Paris
Euronext Growth BPI Innovation, PEA-PME 150 and Next Biotech indices, Euronext European Rising Tech label.
Symbol: ALERS - ISIN Code: FR0013240934 - Reuters: ALERS.PA - Bloomberg: ALERS:FP



Group Eurobio Scientific
Denis Fortier, General Manager
Hervé Duchesne de Lamotte, General Manager
Tel. +33(0) 1 69 79 64 80
Mathieu Calleux / Gregory Bosson
Investors relations
Tel. +33(1) 53 65 68 68



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