Eramet: meaningful economic and social contributions to local communities in 2020

Paris, June 30, 2021, 5.45 pm


Eramet: meaningful economic and social contributions to local communities in 2020

  • An overall contribution of €1.4 billion to the economy of local communities.
  • Major support for the economic development of local communities: more than €910 million in local purchases and more than 350 million in payroll.
  • More than 30,000 people assisted via community-focused social initiatives.

Eramet's objective is to play an active role in the development of the communities in which it operates. Today the Group is publishing its report on economic and social contributions made to governments in 2020 (“Report on the Group's financial transparency 2021,” available on its website).

Conducted in accordance with the methods laid down by the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), which has defined best practice principles for the sector and which Eramet has sponsored since 2011, this review focuses mainly on taxes and royalties paid to governments and regional authorities, as well as dividends paid to public shareholders in the parent company and its subsidiaries.

In keeping with its policy of transparency, the Group has gone still further by presenting an overall picture of the contribution it makes in the main areas outside mainland France where it operates: Gabon, Norway, New Caledonia, and Senegal. It demonstrates Eramet's ongoing commitment to developing an economic model based on a long-term, sustainable and socially responsible vision, and to making a positive impact by developing local employment, preserving the environment, respecting host communities and contributing to the economies of countries and local communities.

With more than 13,100 employees worldwide, including 8,000 outside mainland France, Eramet has a global human resources policy that promotes local employment, invests in the potential of all its employees and harnesses their diversity.

In 2020, more than 30,000 people in host countries benefited from the Group's community investment programs in support of youth and essential infrastructure, such as access to water, to the tune of €21 million. The Group's ambition to be a local partner in regional development is also illustrated by the creation by Eramet and its subsidiary Comilog of two CSR funds with the Gabonese government to finance new development programs for the benefit of local populations

Eramet's subsidiaries contributed to the economic development of their host communities with €911 million in local purchases of goods and services and a payroll of nearly €353 million.

Overall, the company contributed €1.4 billion to local economies, including more than €140 million in taxes and dividends paid to governments.

Eramet's support was further strengthened during the Covid-19 pandemic with the setting up of a solidarity plan accompanied by an additional €1.5 million in grants. In addition to the €8.5 million allocated by our subsidiaries, a total of €10 million was set aside, mainly for the purchase of health equipment and supplies, foodstuffs, and basic necessities, to help more than 340,000 people.

Virginie de Chassey, Executive Senior Vice-President of Sustainability & Corporate Engagement: “Reconciling performance and responsibility is at the heart of Eramet's strategic vision and its CSR roadmap. In the countries and communities where the Group operates, our teams work on a daily basis to support the development priorities of local people. Our aim is to act as a catalyst for local initiatives to improve people's daily lives. This support for local communities, which also involves giving priority to local purchases, is our way of giving something back and is a hallmark of a group that considers corporate social responsibility to be fundamental to its operations.”

Below is a breakdown of the principal contributions made in 2020 by Eramet in each of the main countries and areas in which it had operations:

  • In Gabon, Eramet contributed 604 million. The country’s second-largest private employer with more than 7,700 direct jobs,* the Group, via its 64%-owned subsidiary Comilog, mines and processes high-grade manganese ore, of which it is the world's second-largest producer. Its subsidiary Setrag operates the Transgabonais railroad, which transports both goods and passengers. The two companies made €468 million in purchases (excluding maritime transport), 76% of which were made domestically. In the course of 2020, the Group provided support to more than 20,000 people, who benefited from its social projects in the areas of health, access to water and education.

  • In New Caledonia, the Group's contributions in 2020 amounted to €413 million. Société Le Nickel (SLN), a 56%-owned subsidiary of Eramet, operates nickel mines and a ferronickel metallurgical plant. SLN is the largest private employer in New Caledonia, with more than 3,200 direct jobs1, and it made €267 million in purchases from New Caledonian suppliers. SLN has a long-standing commitment to local communities, and in 2020 its programs helped more than 5,000 people.

  • In Senegal, Eramet's contribution in 2020 amounted to €123 million via its 90%-owned subsidiary Grande Côte Opérations (GCO), which operates a mineral sands deposit. The company makes a major economic contribution thanks to the 1,500 direct jobs1 it provides and the fact that 70% of its purchases are made domestically. Initiatives undertaken to help local populations provided assistance to more than 6,000 people, particularly in the areas of education, access to water and economic diversification.

  • In Norway, Eramet Norway and TTI, two wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Group, employ almost 800 people in four manganese alloy production and metallurgical conversion plants. The contribution made by the Group in 2020 amounted to €287 million, including €207 million in purchases from Norwegian suppliers. Eramet Norway contributed to communities near its sites by supporting schools and sports and cultural associations.

1 “Direct jobs” include the subsidiary’s own staff as well as the staff of subcontractors present on-site to carry out mining and industrial activities.


28/07/2021: Publication of 2021 half-year results

25/10/2021: Publication of 2021 third-quarter turnover


Eramet transforms the Earth’s mineral resources in order to provide sustainable and responsible solutions that meet the growth needs of industry and the challenges of the energy transition.

Its 13,000 employees are committed to this civic- and socially-minded approach in all the countries where the mining and metallurgical group operates.

Manganese, nickel, mineral sands, lithium, and cobalt: Eramet recovers and develops metals that are essential to the building of a more sustainable world.

As a trusted partner of its industrial clients, the Group contributes to construction of robust and resilient infrastructure and buildings, more efficient means of mobility, safer medical tools and more efficient telecommunications devices.

Fully committed to a new era of metals, Eramet’s ambition is to become a reference for the responsible transformation of the Earth’s mineral resources for living well together.


Director of Investor Relations

Sandrine Nourry-Dabi
T. +33 1 45 38 37 02





Communications Director

Pauline Briand


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Marie Artzner
T. +33 1 53 70 74 31 | M. +33 6 75 74 31 73


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