KnowBe4 Releases “Building an Effective and Comprehensive Security Awareness Program” White Paper

Tampa Bay, FL, July 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, today announced it has released a new white paper “Building an Effective and Comprehensive Security Awareness Program” by Joanna Huisman, SVP of strategic insights and research, KnowBe4.

This white paper provides a blueprint for cybersecurity professionals to put together a comprehensive, continuous and engaging security awareness program. It covers leveraging interesting content, simulated attacks and insightful data, building a group of champions and garnering executive support as well as choosing a few critical metrics by which to measure the development of the program.

“With persistent cybersecurity attacks affecting organizations around the world on a daily basis, it has never been more critical for cybersecurity professionals to create a solid security awareness program,” said Perry Carpenter, chief evangelist and strategy officer, KnowBe4. “These programs can have many different approaches, but the most effective ones engage employees on an ongoing basis. It is also key to evaluate what drives secure behaviors and what ultimately contributes to a more secure culture.”

In Carpenter’s book, “Transformational Security Awareness”, he further explains how driving secure behaviors requires defining the behavior and understanding the subcomponents of the behavior. He states, “To design for real change, in a practical way, you need to get clear on the exact behaviors you want people to do.”

To download the “Building an Effective and Comprehensive Security Awareness Program” white paper, visit


About KnowBe4
KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, is used by more than 39,000 organizations around the globe. Founded by IT and data security specialist, Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 helps organizations address the human element of security by raising awareness about ransomware, CEO fraud, and other social engineering tactics through a new-school approach to awareness training on security. Kevin Mitnick, an internationally recognized cybersecurity specialist and KnowBe4's Chief Hacking Officer, helped design the KnowBe4 training based on his well-documented social engineering tactics. Tens of thousands of organizations rely on KnowBe4 to mobilize their end users as their last line of defense.


