Former Commissioner of the SEC, and Scott Mather, Managing Director and CIO of PIMCO's U.S. Core Strategies, Will Be Keynote Speakers at the INTEGRATE21 Virtual Conference

INTEGRATE21 is the virtual conference of the year for thought-leading CFOs who are transforming corporate finance into regenerative finance through ESG innovation and investment.

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SOCAP Global (SOCAP), in partnership with Sustainable Brands (SB), today jointly announced that Robert Jackson, former Commissioner of the SEC, and Scott Mather, Managing Director and CIO of PIMCO's U.S. Core Strategies, will be two of the event's keynote speakers. Mr. Jackson will be discussing the current state of the SEC's thinking as related to ESG compliance and reporting. Mr. Mather will be discussing strategies for ESG investing, governance and reporting.

"The timing of Mr. Jackson's appearance is wonderful, as the SEC is close to announcing new reporting regulations related to sustainability and ESG reporting and governance," said Joy Pettirossi-Poland, Principal of Building Bridges 2012 and co-Chair of the INTEGRATE21 Conference. Joy continued, "One of the key elements of the reporting proposals will be on the requirement for SME business to report supply-chain risks. This shows how important integrating the SME to the F500 is in order to ensure resiliency."

Additional keynote speakers at INTEGRATE21 will include Tom Chi, CEO of At One Ventures; Karen Parkhill, CFO of Medtronic; Janine Guillot, CEO of the Values Reporting Foundation (formerly the SASB); Fernando Tennenbaum, CFO Anheuser-Busch InBev; Ezgi Barcenas, Global Head of Sustainability Anheuser-Busch InBev; and  Michelle Greene, President Emeritus of the Long-Term Stock Exchange.

"We are pleased to have Robert and Scott bringing their insights and wisdom to our conference," said Scott Broomfield, Chairperson of Sustainable Brands and the INTEGRATE Conference, and Managing Director of The EPIC Fund. Scott continued, " These gentlemen have years of highly relevant experience in transforming the role of finance in our society. Scott and Robert, along with our other great speakers, will provide valuable observations and recommendations for CFOs looking to transform their finance functions to pay attention to, and invest in innovations that will make a positive impact on the environment and global economics. INTEGRATE21 addresses these complex issues and will provide CFOs and CSOs with a synthesis of ESG best practices, technologies, toolkits, and resources."

INTEGRATE21 will deliver practical solutions for CFOs, CPAs, and the C-Suite to adopt, execute and operationalize strategic ESG-related initiatives and programs. The conference will also focus on professional development for the Professional Services sector, specifically CPA's offering CPE (Continuing Professional Education) and Wealth Advisors offering CE (Continuing Education). In support of this value, INTEGRATE21 has been creating video podcasts for attendees in advance of the event, which can be found on the INTEGRATE website under resources

The conference will be virtual and will consist of five practical tracks that align with INTEGRATE's five-pillar regenerative finance framework, similar to the TCFD's four-pillar framework recommendations, including:

  1. Governance
  2. Risk Assessment and Management
  3. System Design and Decision Making
  4. Regenerative Financing
  5. Integrated Reporting, Assurance, IF, and Advocacy

On Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021,  the event will host Technology "Demo Day," which is designed for Technology Solution Providers that responded to the INTEGRATE RFP Challenge. Participants will showcase their technology solutions for ESG reports used in internal decision-making and external reporting to investors for all of the INTEGRATE21 attendees. See contacts below to receive information to present during Demo Day.

About SOCAP Global:

SOCAP is the thought leadership platform for the accelerating movement towards a more just and sustainable economy. We convene a global ecosystem and marketplace - social entrepreneurs, investors, foundation and nonprofit leaders, government and policy leaders, creators, corporations, academics, and beyond -  through live and digital experiences that educate, spur conversation, and inspire investment in positive impact. Follow SOCAP on twitter @socapmarkets and on LinkedIn 

About Sustainable Brands:

Sustainable Brands is the premier global community of brand leaders and innovators who are designing the regenerative next economy. Since 2006, our goal has been to inspire, engage, and equip business leaders and practitioners who see ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) innovation as the essential driver of brand growth, value creation, and positive impact as business as a force for good. Follow SB on Twitter @ and on LinkedIn @

For more information, please contact:

Joy Pettirossi-Poland

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