ACWA Responds to Gov. Newsom’s Expansion of Drought Emergency Throughout State

SACRAMENTO, Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Executive Director Dave Eggerton issued the following statement in response to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proclamation expanding the state’s drought emergency to include all 58 California counties.

“Today’s announcement by Gov. Gavin Newsom reflects his ongoing leadership in responding to the drought based on an understanding that local water supply conditions should drive local drought response actions. This includes his requirement that local water suppliers implement their urban Water Shortage Contingency Plans and Agricultural Drought Plans at a level appropriate to local conditions and take into account the possibility of a third consecutive dry year.

“ACWA’s members continue to work hard to maintain a reliable water supply amid the drought emergency. We take seriously the Governor’s call for conservation and the importance of promoting programs to help Californians reduce their water use. It’s also important to remember that while conservation is a critical tool, it is only one of many actions that must be taken to address drought. Investing in water infrastructure and the ability of local water managers to diversify supplies are also essential to building climate resilience throughout the state.

“ACWA’s public water agency members are making significant investments in water infrastructure that are critical to ensuring a reliable water supply for California’s communities, economy and the environment during droughts. State and federal drought funding assistance for water infrastructure is critical to that work.”

Media representatives looking for more information about local water agency efforts to create a more reliable and resilient water supply can find examples at A summary of water agency drought responses, including voluntary and mandatory conservation orders and links to Water Shortage Contingency Plans is available at

ACWA is a statewide association of public agencies whose more than 450 members are responsible for about 90% of the water delivered in California. For more information, visit

Contact: Heather Engel, Director of Communications | (916) 441-4545 | C (760) 217-0627