BANGOR, MAINE, Oct. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the height of the pandemic, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and licensed pharmacy students helped save lives by inoculating Maine citizens against COVID-19. Thanks to their efforts and the efforts of others, Maine now has the fourth highest percentage of state residents who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the CDC.
These unsung heroes performed this valuable service without seeking public acknowledgement or accolades. In an effort to show appreciation for their past and current service to our state, Husson University pharmacy students will be sending thank you cards to members of the Maine pharmacy community.
This activity is especially poignant since October is American Pharmacists Month. According to the American Pharmacists Association, American Pharmacists Month recognizes the important dates, timelines and stories associated with pharmacy heroes.1 This year, the month is dedicated to celebrating the courage of pharmacists and their willingness to stand by their patients throughout the pandemic and beyond.2
A card-signing event where students will be sending personalized expressions of thanks to pharmacy professionals will be taking place in the Gracie Theatre at Husson University on Thursday, October 21, 2021 starting at 1 p.m.
As healthcare professionals who administered vaccines, pharmacists deserve our thanks,” said James D. Nash, PharmD, MPH, BCPS, dean of Husson University’s College of Health and Pharmacy. “Even though many of them were inoculated themselves, they risked putting their own personal health on the line as breakthrough cases in order to make sure others had the life-saving protection of a COVID-19 vaccine.”
The importance of the services provided by members of the pharmacy community was not lost on the students at the Husson University School of Pharmacy. “One of the things I look forward to after I graduate is being on the front lines of delivering healthcare and having the chance to make a difference in people’s lives, just like pharmacists in Maine did during the pandemic,” said Dylan Johnston, a pharmacy student in the third year of his professional studies. “Even though the work pharmacists do is personally rewarding, the people they serve often don’t stop to think about how they’ve benefited from the years of study and hard work pharmacists put into becoming practicing professionals. Our small expression of appreciation will hopefully let pharmacy professionals, who gave so much to us, know that their efforts were valued and appreciated.”
“An in-depth pharmacy education, like the one available through Husson University’s School of Pharmacy, is the key to making sure our nation has the necessary knowledgeable and qualified professionals it will need to address future public health crises,” continued Nash. “I want to personally thank every pharmacy professional in our state for the efforts they made to serve the public during the pandemic. Individuals and families across Maine owe you a debt of gratitude.”
Husson University’s School of Pharmacy prepares students for rewarding careers in the diverse field of pharmacy through rigorous academic coursework and hands-on practical experience. The school offers a wide range of local experiential placements, access to modern and dedicated labs and a robust advisor program. With one of the best student-to-faculty ratios in the nation, students receive individualized attention from dedicated faculty from the very beginning. Students have the opportunity to enroll in one of three different degrees programs. They include a Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Pharmacy degree, a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD), and/or a dual Master of Business Administration (MBA)/Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree.
The School of Pharmacy is just one of several schools that are a part of Husson University’s College of Health and Pharmacy. Others include the School of Nursing, the School of Occupational Therapy and the School of Physical Therapy.
About Husson University
For more than 120 years, Husson University has shown its adaptability and strength in delivering educational programs that prepare future leaders to handle the challenges of tomorrow through innovative undergraduate and graduate degrees. With a commitment to delivering affordable classroom, online and experiential learning opportunities, Husson University has come to represent a superior value in higher education. The hallmarks of a Husson education include advanced knowledge delivered through quality educational programs in business; health and education; pharmacy studies; science and humanities; as well as communication. According to a recent analysis of tuition and fees by U.S. News & World Report, Husson University is one of the most affordable private colleges in New England. For more information about educational opportunities that can lead to personal and professional success, visit
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1 American Pharmacists Association, “October is American Pharmacists Month,”, Accessed October 14, 2021.
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