Illumio Wins Government Award to Deliver Ransomware Containment on Endpoints to National Security Collaboration Center

STTR Phase I Award to Accelerate NSCC’s Zero Trust Security Adoption

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Nov. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Illumio Inc., the pioneer and leader of Zero Trust segmentation, today announced it has been selected for a Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) award by the National Security Collaboration Center (NSCC) at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).

The STTR program fosters technology transfer through cooperative research and development (R&D) between small businesses and research institutions, bridging the gap between performance of basic science and commercialization of resulting innovations. This award provides a simplified path for federal agencies to extend Zero Trust segmentation to endpoints with Illumio Edge in order to see their risk, isolate attacks and secure their data. Edge delivers the endpoint security and proactive security control that federal teams need to isolate ransomware and malware to protect networks by containing threats even before they are detected.

“With the ongoing ransomware scourge, organizations are approaching cybersecurity through a new lens that not only focuses on keeping attacks out, but also stops them in their tracks once an attack inevitably breaches the perimeter. Illumio is helping customers establish Zero Trust containment across the network to mitigate risk,” said Mark Sincevich, federal director and STTR lead at Illumio. “Illumio is excited to work with the National Security Collaboration Center to bring greater resiliency to federal endpoints, agencies, and commands through true public-private partnership.”

Illumio Edge blocks unsafe network communications and isolates ransomware by containing attacks to a single endpoint within an agency’s or command’s network. By preventing ransomware and other attacks from spreading within an agency or command, customers can reduce the reach and impact of damaging attacks.

"UTSA and the National Security Collaboration Center (NSCC) are excited about partnering with Illumio to create outcomes and progress in endpoint security and resiliency. It was no surprise that Illumio was selected for the phase of this award given the continued risk associated with remote work," said Brig. Gen. (ret) Guy M. Walsh, Executive Director of the NSCC. "As federal, state, and local governments continue to leverage working from home options, UTSA students and researchers will work side by side with Illumio's development teams to enhance security and resiliency to reduce risk. Our UTSA faculty and researchers are eager to play a role in advancing technologies to validate and authenticate people, devices, and applications before allowing access to organizational networks and systems."

The Phase I STTR award comes on the heels of the company’s Phase II SBIR Award.

Learn more about the STTR program here: To learn more about Illumio Edge visit:, and to learn more about Illumio visit:  

About Illumio

Illumio, the pioneer and market leader of Zero Trust Segmentation, stops breaches from becoming cyber disasters. Illumio Core® and Illumio Edge automate policy enforcement to stop cyberattacks and ransomware from spreading across applications, containers, clouds, data centers, mission computers and endpoints. By combining intelligent visibility to detect threats with security enforcement achieved in minutes, Illumio enables the world’s leading organizations to strengthen their cyber resiliency and reduce risk. 

