Eurobio Scientific Makes a Minority Investment in Usense, a Start-Up Developping a Mobile in Vitro Medical Device for Urianalysis


With this investment, the Group strengthens its offer in point of care medical biology and positions itself in the digitalization of diagnostics

Paris, November 23, 20216:15pm

Eurobio Scientific (FR0013240934, ALERS, PEA-PME eligible), a leading French group in the field of specialty in vitro medical diagnostics, announces today that it made a minority investment in Usense, a French start-up based in Paris-Saclay and specializing in assistance to medical diagnostics based on urinary analysis.

Using a proprietary blend of miniaturized technologies and artificial intelligence, Usense’s connected in vitro medical device can perform urinalysis with results obtained in seconds. The medical device is lightweight and portable, which allows it to be used as close as possible to patients, where the information is necessary for medical diagnosis. The company plans to start marketing the device in 2022.

A key investment for the dynamics of the Eurobio Scientific Group
This investment fits directly with Eurobio Scientific's strategy. It allows the gradual increase of its share of proprietary products in its catalog, as well as the conquest of new markets by strengthening its presence in point of care biology and digitalization of diagnostics.

« We were impressed with the patented technologies implemented in Usense's solution, with an accuracy confirmed by real-life testing. This investment allows our Group to immediately set foot in the future of diagnostics.» adds Jean-Michel Carle, President and CEO of Eurobio Scientific.

« We are very proud of Eurobio Scientific's participation in this financing. For Usense, this is the first step in a long-term partnership. Synergies between the two companies will accelerate the deployment of the Usense solution and facilitate access to early diagnosis for patients.» concludes Guillaume Lemetais, President of Usense.

Next financial meeting
2021 FY revenues: 24 January 2022

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About Usense

Usense is a MedTech offering a breakthrough technology in the field of point of care Medical Biology. With just one click, Usense's solution can measure most of the parameters usually analyzed in the urine by medical biology laboratories. By capitalizing on artificial intelligence and machine learning, this solution makes it possible to detect the presence of many biomarkers, thereby facilitating early diagnosis, control of pathologies and, more generally, monitoring of patients health status. It also helps to make the right decisions in an emergency context.

Guillaume Lemetais, President of Usense

About Eurobio Scientific

Eurobio Scientific is a key player in the field of specialty in vitro diagnostics. It is involved from research to manufacturing and commercialization of diagnostic tests in the fields of transplantation, immunology and infectious diseases, and sells instruments and products for research laboratories, including biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Through many partnerships and a strong presence in hospitals, Eurobio Scientific has established its own distribution network and a portfolio of proprietary products in the molecular biology field. The Group has approximately 164 employees and three production units based in the Paris region, in Germany and in the United States, and several affiliates based in Dorking UK, Sissach Switzerland, Bünde Germany and Utrecht in The Netherlands.

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The company is publicly listed on the Euronext Growth market in Paris
Euronext Growth BPI Innovation, PEA-PME 150 and Next Biotech indices, Euronext European Rising Tech label.

Symbol: ALERS - ISIN Code: FR0013240934 - Reuters: ALERS.PA - Bloomberg: ALERS:FP



Group Eurobio Scientific

Denis Fortier, General Manager

Hervé Duchesne de Lamotte, General Manager

Tel. +33(0) 1 69 79 64 80


Mathieu Calleux / Gregory Bosson

Investors relations

Tel. +33(1) 53 65 68 68



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