Crypto Blockchain Industries (CBI): Summary of the Extraordinary General Meeting of December 29, 2021

Crypto Blockchain Industries (CBI):

Summary of the Extraordinary General Meeting
of December 29, 2021

CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (CBI, Euronext Growth Paris: FR00140062P9 - ALCBI) has held its extraordinary general meeting on December 29, 2021, at 9:00 am in Paris.

The 5 resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors and detailed below were approved, in particular the stock split which will be implemented in January 2022 with the objective of promoting the liquidity of the share and the diversity of CBI's shareholder base.

The shareholders present or represented totaled 92.24% of the outstanding shares and of the voting rights, i.e. 17,837,080 shares and voting rights. The details of the votes by resolution are as follows:

1Division of the nominal value of the Company by 10, bringing the nominal value of the shares from 1 euro to 0.10 euro each, and consequent amendment of the Company's articles of association100%0%0%
2Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to decide to increase the Company's share capital by a maximum nominal amount of five million euros, by incorporation of premiums, reserves, profits or other, for the purpose of distributing bonus shares100%0%0%
3Appointment of a joint statutory auditor (A4 Partenaires)100%0%0%
4Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to issue shares or securities giving immediate or future access to the Company's capital or to debt securities or entitling holders to the allotment of debt securities, without shareholders' pre-emptive right of subscription100%0%0%
5Powers to carry out formalities100%0%0%

About CBI

CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (“CBI”) is a French company that develops, operates and invests in video games, business applications and selected projects relating to the blockchain, non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) and cryptocurrencies. Founded by Frédéric Chesnais, a renowned gaming industry entrepreneur and blockchain pioneer, CBI aims to develop and unlock value from a portfolio of blockchain activities across multiple industries (video games, finance, logistics, etc.) with a view to capitalizing on this technology, either directly or through partnerships. CBI has already made several investments and is currently developing AlphaVerse, a blockchain technology-based virtual world or metaverse that will be opening in summer 2022. CBI has been admitted to trading on the EI compartment (qualified investors) of the Euronext Growth Paris market since October 26, 2021. Learn more at


Frédéric Chesnais
Chairman and CEO
Listing Sponsor
Atout Capital
Rodolphe Ossola
Financial Communications
Gregory Bosson
+33 (0)1 53 65 68 68



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