Global Offshore Wind Transmission Report 2021: Market Size and Opportunities, Existing and Planned Offshore Project, Key Technology Players

Dublin, Jan. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Offshore Wind Transmission Report" report has been added to's offering.

Global Transmission Research Report analyses the market size and opportunity for offshore wind transmission across the globe.

The report provides an overview of the recent policy developments and mandates for offshore wind development, examine the costs and present the various models and technology options for developing offshore wind transmission infrastructure. It provides information on existing and planned offshore transmission projects and on the key technology players in the industry.

Driven by the common goal of achieving low-carbon economies, governments across the globe have set ambitious targets for offshore wind energy. Established markets such the UK, Germany and China have further expanded their offshore wind goals.

New markets such as the US and Japan have launched supportive policy frameworks and funding programmes to accelerate the development of their offshore wind industries. Countries such as Australia, Vietnam and Greece are also keen to capture offshore wind opportunities.

However, the challenge of developing an adequate and robust offshore grid infrastructure still remains. Offshore wind integration and transmission needs have taken a center stage. New technologies and innovative solutions for interconnections have been proposed as projects become larger and complex.

Key Topics Covered:



2.1 Offshore wind developments

  • Overview
  • Key growth drivers
  • Cost competitiveness of offshore wind
  • Offshore wind's promising attributes
  • Targets and mandates for offshore wind
  • Policy and regulatory developments
  • Americas
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific

2.2 Market size and opportunity

  • Existing offshore wind capacity and export cable length
  • Projected offshore wind capacity and export cable length
  • OSW export cables - top markets by 2030

2.3 Offshore transmission development routes

  • Offshore wind transmission development routes
  • TSO-owned offshore transmission development
  • Generator-owned links
  • Generator-owned offshore links
  • Offshore transmission operator (OFTO) model
  • Competitive solicitation of offshore wind transmission
  • Independent/merchant offshore wind transmission
  • Comparison of key features of these models
  • Offshore transmission components - who builds what?

2.4 Offshore wind transmission costs and investments

  • Offshore wind project - transmission capex
  • Cost breakdown for fixed and floating projects
  • Key factors affecting OSW transmission capex
  • Cost trends - cables and transformers
  • OSW transmission investment by
  • OSW transmission investment in key markets

2.5 Financing offshore wind

  • Conventional financing options and investor interest
  • Contractual structure of an OSW project
  • Emerging financing options
  • Key issues and challenges

2.6 Offshore wind transmission technology

  • Offshore transmission solutions
  • Subsea cables
  • Offshore substations
  • Structures and foundations
  • Construction, installation and monitoring solutions
  • Transmission for floating offshore wind

2.7 Regional offshore initiatives

  • North Sea Wind Power Hub (NSWPH)
  • Danish Energy Hub
  • Artificial Island (North Sea)
  • Bornholm Island (Baltic Sea)
  • Baltic Offshore Grid Initiative MoU
  • Baltic Offshore Grid (BOG 2050)
  • Offshore grid potential in the Mediterranean region
  • Eurobar
  • EU Promotion project

2.8 Key technology players

  • Offshore cables
  • Offshore transformers/substations
  • Offshore structures
  • Other key players
  • Offshore wind projects
  • USA
  • Rest of Americas
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe


  • Industry structure
  • Recent policy and regulatory developments
  • Existing offshore wind generation and transmission capacity
  • Planned or proposed offshore wind generation and transmission capacity
  • Existing OWT projects (developer, capacity, technology, investment and key contractors)
  • Upcoming and planned OWT projects (developer, capacity, technology, expected investment and key contractors)


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