MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | Participation in ART SG

MCH Group participates in new art fair in Singapore

MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd., a company of MCH Group Ltd. based in Basel/Switzerland, is taking a 15% stake as shareholder in Arts Events Singapore Pte. Ltd., the organizer of the new art fair ART SG in Singapore.

Arts Events Singapore Pte. Ltd. and ART SG are owned by the exhibition companies of Sandy Angus, Tim Etchells and Magnus Renfrew, who are well known in the international art market. ART SG will be launched at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre on 12-15 January 2023, and is expected to become a leading contemporary art fair in Southeast Asia with around 100 galleries.

"By participating in ART SG, we want to contribute to the further development of the art market in Southeast Asia and strengthen our position in this geographical area," says Beat Zwahlen, CEO of MCH Group, organizer of the leading Asian art fair Art Basel in Hong Kong. "The participation is part of our strategic framework to strengthen our Art Basel brand and our leading position in the global art fair market."

Media contact:
MCH Group AG
Corporate Communications
Christian Jecker
+41 58 206 22 52