Most Powerful Crypto Miner Released

New York, NY, March 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BM Pro is quickly emerging as the number one choice amongst crypto mining enthusiasts looking for a heavy-duty hardware to enhance their mining performance. The flagship product from a rapidly expanding blockchain technology startup named BITMANU, this recently launched miner offers the most impressive hash rates ever in brief history of the crypto industry.

BITMANU has already earned the distinction of releasing the first ever line of 3nm ASIC miners, and BM Pro is the most powerful product in this range of miners. Equipped with the latest 3nm silicon semiconductor chips, it offers increased speed and transistor density, and reduced power consumption, resulting in significantly higher mining efficiency.

The hash rates with which BM Pro is able to mine Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero have not been heard of before its launch. As a result of its unrivalled hash power and power consumption, BM Pro has got the better of all currently available mining hardware in terms of profitability. On an average, all users of the product have been able to recover their initial investment with a month.

Coin     Hash Rate      Power Consumption    Monthly Profit
Bitcoin   1950 TH/s       2200 W                          $18k
Litecoin   200 GH/s       2200 W                          $20k
Ethereum  13 GH/s       2200 W                          $22k
Monero     16 MH/s       2200 W                          $27k    

BITMANU was founded by a team of investors and technology leaders with the goal of making crypto mining profitable and accessible to all like never before. After years of research and development, the company has come up with a suite of products that are super efficient yet simple to use. The rigs are delivered pre-loaded with Linux based system with BITMANU software. In order to start mining, users are just required to connect the unit through a power socket.

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