Local company helps pave the way for youth to thrive in Red Deer

RED DEER, Alberta, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When the Northside Community Centre YMCA opened next to the Glendale Skatepark in 2019, the need for quality programs for youth in the area became clear. The skatepark was a magnet for young people in the area, many of whom would benefit not only from supervision, but from mentorship by qualified YMCA staff. This support for the area’s youth could only be provided by financial assistance from a donor.

Border Paving Ltd., a company that has been a part of the Red Deer community since 1957, stepped up to provide funding to launch an official Skatepark Mentorship program at the Northside Community Centre YMCA and Glendale Skatepark. While they have consistently funded youth programs at the Y, they have made a generous $100,000 donation to fund the Skatepark Mentorship program, allowing it to grow and thrive into the future. This donation will also cover the operation of a satellite Skatepark Mentorship program that the YMCA will run downtown at the skatepark next to Rotary Park.

“It is important for those able to afford donations for social programs to provide that funding where it is most effective,” says Wendy Walls. Wendy and her husband, Vic Walls, own Border Paving, along with their children. They have been longstanding supporters of the YMCA and remain passionate about the Y being a strong presence in Red Deer. “We believe there is no institution like the YMCA. It is our hope that over time, programs such as the skatepark program will result in the YMCA having a footprint in every area of our city.”

Border Paving has a deep-seeded culture of corporate philanthropy and community involvement, which has directly impacted youth in Glendale who often have nowhere else to go after school and are in need of guidance and support from role models who understand them. Working closely with the Central Alberta Skatepark Association, the YMCA’s Skatepark Mentorship program does just that.

The program will start up again at Northside Community Centre in May, with the downtown program launching in July. For more information about the Northside Community Centre YMCA’s Skatepark Mentorship program, visit https://northernalberta.ymca.ca/skatepark.

About YMCA of Northern Alberta

YMCA of Northern Alberta is a registered charity dedicated to building healthy communities since 1907. From providing quality child care and supporting people in their health and wellness, to providing important housing and community outreach programs, the YMCA of Northern Alberta works to strengthen communities in the Red Deer, Wood Buffalo, Grande Prairie, and Edmonton regions. For more information, visit northernalberta.ymca.ca.

About Border Paving Ltd.

Border Paving Ltd. is a family owned and managed asphalt paving company which has continued to expand and learn over the years, growing into the company it is today. Border Paving Ltd. is committed to supporting the community through scholarships, donations and sponsorships. For more information visit borderpaving.com.      

