Tech Momentum: CEO’s of MQ, NEXCF, SNAP, PBTS, Driving Revenue Growth in Fintech, AR, Web 3.0, Metaverse, and Digital Transformation

NEW YORK, April 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wall Street Reporter, the trusted name in financial news since 1843, has published reports on the latest comments and insights from CEO’s of: Marqeta, Inc. (NASDAQ: MQ), NexTech AR Solutions (OTC: NEXCF) (CSE: NTAR), Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP) and Powerbridge Technologies (NASDAQ: PBTS). Wall Street Reporter highlights the latest comments from industry thought leaders shaping our world today, and in the decades ahead:

Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP) CEO Evan Spiegel: “Growing Enterprise Demand for Snap AR”
“...Over 200 million people engage with augmented reality on Snapchat every day, and our community now plays with AR Lenses an average of more than six billion times per day. This momentum and the creative energy of the Snapchat community makes us incredibly excited about the future of augmented reality...In addition to the momentum with augmented reality on Snapchat, we are very excited by the growing demand from businesses who want to bring Snap’s AR capabilities into their own apps and websites...We recorded our first full-year of positive free cash flow and Q4 marked our first quarter of positive net income. Achieving positive free cash flow for the full year is an important milestone as we are increasingly able to self-fund our investments in the future, which positions us well to accelerate our vision for computing overlaid on the world through augmented reality…”
Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP) Earnings Highlights:

NexTech AR Solutions (OTC: NEXCF) (CSE: NTAR) CEO Evan Gappelberg: “NexTech is On-Ramp to Metaverse & Web 3.0 for $5.5 Trillion E-Commerce Market”
NexTech AR (OTC: NEXCF), a featured presenter at Wall Street Reporter's "Next Super Stock" investor conference series, recently shared with investors how NEXCF is emerging as a key player in the $5.5 trillion global e-commerce market transition to web 3.0 and the metaverse. NEXCF Augmented Reality solutions enable to view products in lifelike 3D, in their own living room. This AR shopping experience bridges the gap between the physical world, and what was once a flat 2D online e-commerce experience. NEXCFs AR shopping experience is a “game changer” for the 5.5 trillion global e-commerce industry (source: Statisa 2022).


NEXCF AR solutions create billions of dollars in potential profitability and cost cost-savings for e-commerce leaders by driving +93% increases in click through rate, and -40% reductions in product returns. This value creation and ROI is driving growing demand and industry adoption of NEXCF AR solutions. Nearly 2 billion of the world’s population now shops online. Most importantly, over 72% of e-commerce is now done by mobile phone - a native platform for Augmented Reality apps like NEXCF. Global blue chip brands utilizing NexTech AR, include: Ford Mach EV, Kohls, CB2, Crate & Barrel, Pier 1, and Segway.

“NexTech’s AR solutions are rapidly becoming a ‘must-have’ for e-commerce leaders to succeed in today’s hyper-competitive market, where even marginal improvements in metrics like click-though and return-rates can mean the difference of billions of dollars to a company’s bottom line…We’re at an inflection point now, where industry demand and adoption for NexTech’s AR is accelerating and going mainstream. As E-Commerce shifts to Web 3.0 and the Metaverse, the demand for AR/3D product models becomes essential. NexTech is emerging as the “on ramp” to the Metaverse and Web 3.0 for the $5.5 trillion e-commerce industry. With over 200 million product SKU’s in e-commerce worldwide - NexTech has a potential revenue pipeline worth billions of dollars in coming years.”

April 14 - NEXCF launches Nextech Metaverse Suite. This Suite of Metaverse SaaS products unifies Nextech’s entire technology stack of 3D and AR products and apps into one, end-to-end seamless and easy to use SaaS subscription based platform.Nextech views SaaS as a significant advancement of all its 3D modelling and augmented reality solutions. SaaS integration has enormous implications for scalability and the company's future revenue growth. With this SaaS rollout, the Company is moving away from its managed solutions and moving toward monthly recurring revenue (MRR), business scalability, and low to no-touch AR for ecommerce.

April 12 - NEXCF launches Shopify “freemium” 3D model pricing, updating the Company’s Shopify app, initially launched in January, allowing merchants to create 3D/AR models for their ecommerce site. NEXCF is also planning to integrate this same Freemium pricing with more ecommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Magento, and is targeting Q2 2022 for completion of these integrations. These integrations will collectively place Nextech’s AI-powered 3D/AR model creation solution in front of millions of merchants globally.

April 6 - NEXCF files four pivotal non-provisional utility patents with respect to its Aritize 3D and ARitize CAD products for 3D model making, further strengthening the Company’s intellectual property position. Fenwick & West represented Nextech AR in the filings. The patents filed are as follows:
THREE-DIMENSIONAL (3D) MODEL GENERATION FROM TWO- DIMENSIONAL (2D) IMAGES - Covers core AI algorithms for creating 3D models automatically from 2D photos and is the core of Threedy tech. THREE-DIMENSIONAL (3D) MODEL ASSEMBLY - Covers the virtual assembly line concept that helps scale 3D content creation from 2D photos.MATERIAL ESTIMATION FOR THREE-DIMENSIONAL (3D) MODELING - Covers the AI/ML techniques for creating 3D textures and materials automatically from 2D reference photos. THREE-DIMENSIONAL (3D) MODEL GENERATION FROM CAD DATA - Describes the technology and process we have built to convert 3D CAD files and other solid designs into optimized 3D meshes suitable for real-time visualization on the Web and AR.

NEXCF CEO Evan Gappelberg,commented: "These patents represent the future of our IP and is a huge step forward for Nextech. Since the founding of the company we have been very strategic in strengthening our intellectual property position as we look to cement ourselves as the world’s leading 3D model factory. He continues "We are in the market and generating revenue with most of this technology today while we are building the groundbreaking, disruptive technology of tomorrow that is critical for 3D and AR experiences for the Metaverse. These patent applications are foundational as we lay the groundwork in preparation for the mass adoption of everything 3D. We are witnessing the 4th industrial revolution happen as the global demand for 3D/AR models is growing exponentially, and 3D technology is quickly transforming from a "nice to have '' to a "must have" for brands and businesses particularly in the 5 trillion dollar ecommerce industry. "

Powerbridge Technologies (NASDAQ: PBTS): CEO Stewart Lor: "Digital Transformation At Core of Improving Enterprise Performance”
Powerbridge Technologies (NASDAQ: PBTS) , a provider of multi-industry technology solutions, announces signing contracts with several leading enterprises in various industries including China's rail transit, expedited courier service, and smartphones and devices, totaling an amount of around $5 million. According to the contracts, Powerbridge will provide digital transformation solutions for these enterprises and help improve their global operational and management capabilities.Stewart Lor, President commented: "Digital transformation and enhancement is the core of improving the level of enterprise performance. We will continue to share with and support our enterprise customers with our digital solutions to help them achieve their strategic goals of global operational and management collaboration and integration."
Powerbridge Technologies (NASDAQ: PBTS) News:

Marqeta, Inc. (NASDAQ: MQ) CEO Jason Gardner: “Modern Card Issuing is $30 Trillion Opportunity”
“...We believe modern card issuing is at the heart of global money movement. When I look back at Marqeta's third quarter, I see a wealth of examples that highlight the breadth and power of modern card issuing. Marqeta's modern card issuing platform enables unique, new payment use cases for companies of all types from digital disruptors who are looking for scale to legacy payment providers looking to launch cutting-edge solutions to stay competitive…We see our third quarter results - $28 billion in total processing volume or TPV, a 60% increase compared to the same quarter of 2020; $132 million in net revenue, a 56% increase compared to the same quarter of 2020 - as yet another proof point of the tremendous progress and the impact we are already having in global money movement and we are only scratching the surface, when it comes to the many ways Marqeta enables modern card issuing a market we estimate at $30 trillion globally…”
Marqeta, Inc. (NASDAQ: MQ) Earnings Highlights:


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